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Why You Should Not Say I Hate You
Why You Should Not Say I Hate You
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Why You Should Not Say I Hate You


One day A girl was just walking she was about 16 and she loved everyone until she became friends with the biggest bully in school. One day she was walking home, She saw one of her old friends. As they walk past each other they start to play well at least her old friend did. Her old friend said she missed her but she said: "I haven't missed you at all." Her old friend said "why did you do this it's not you" So the girl said, "it's not your business and nobody like's nerds like you." Her old friend said "A lot of people like me, at least my mother loves me." The girl looked at her old friend and said "I hate you" She pushed her old friend onto the street and she hears a scream as she see's a car with blood on it. She said, "did this really just happen?" She screams her head off as she bursts into tears knowing she killed her friend. She heard the cops coming so she ran back to her house.

"Sara! come downstairs and help me clean up the house" Her mother tells her.

She stomps and bangs on the wall screaming "NOO" "NOO" "NOO" she starts to slam the doors upstairs and her mom calls her down one more time

"Sara if you don't get down here then I am taking away your electronics for a month!"

"I DON'T CARE" she yells to her mom

"Sara just do them"


Sara stomps her way downstairs and tells her mom she hates her. Sara then runs out the door and her mom was chasing her as there is a screen going across the road. Sara said to herself "Did this just happen AGAIN but with the only family member that is alive in my family. MOM!" Sara screams her lungs out mom I'm so sorry I love you please don't go I didn't mean it."

Her new bully friend had come to pick her up but she yelled at the bully

"LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO. THIS IS THE SECOND PERSON THAT HAS DIED TODAY BECAUSE OF ME THAT WAS MY MOTHER AND SHE IS THE ONLY ONE I HAD." Since Sara learned what her words could do she got rid of the bully and told her she hates her. the bully died and Sara only said: "You deserve that because of what you turned me into." Sara then walked away forgetting about the bully but calling an ambulance for her mother and friend. Sara was now always home alone with nothing to do and she stopped going to school after that.

Author Notes: if you want more stories like this then send me chats so I know if I should make another one of these.


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About This Story
17 Oct, 2017
Read Time
2 mins
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