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Will Anybody Help Me?
Will Anybody Help Me?

Will Anybody Help Me?

1 Review

Can anybody help me?

Or am I going insane

I can’t cope by myself now

In this day of age

I’m trying to scream out

But only silence falls

I’m crying out for someone

But no one hears my calls

Can anybody help me?

Or am I losing my mind

It’s going one hundred miles an hour

I’m speeding through time

I’m not asking for a hero

Or for all of your time

Just scared of the outcome

That is somewhere in time

Can anybody help me?

Or am I all by myself

I cry myself to sleep at night

But it doesn’t seem to help

I try to let out my feelings

But it’s only getting worse

I’ve got nowhere to turn to now

But there’s got to be more than this

Can anybody help me?

I’m screaming out for you

Just hear my cries now

Is all I want you to do?

Don’t give me advice yet

Don’t give me a plan

Just hold my hands

And tell me that I can

Can anybody help me?

Or is this the end

I can’t see a silver lining

On any of these clouds

The world is just dimming

With nothing to live for

Surely life’s not meant

To ever be this hard

Can anybody help me?

Or am I going it alone

Do I have somebody’s shoulder?

Which I can lean on

Or do I walk along this path way

Having to figure out my life

With no one to be there

Just myself and my mind

Can anybody help me?

I am so afraid

I can’t do this by myself

I won’t make it out today

So if you can hear me

Please answer my calls

I’m sick of screaming out my problems

Only for silence to fall…

Can anybody help me?

Can anybody help me?

Can anybody help me?

Will anybody help me?

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About This Story
14 Aug, 2017
Read Time
1 min
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4.0 (1 review)

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