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Witchy Woman
Witchy Woman
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Witchy Woman


Back in the 70s’ there was a story of a family whose mother practiced witchcraft. This family the mother especially claimed to be a bible believing Christian went to church, read the bible but the family had their doubts about their mother. This story begins in 1970, the family just but a cute little farmhouse that was right by a lake and surrounded by woods. They had chickens, pigs, and ducks, and even had a big old garden. The father worked all the time and often went away on business trips and was barely home and the mother was a stay at home mom at the time which hard for her because she was raising two girls. The two older girls were home for summer vacation and often played outside or be playing tag in the woods, or swimming in the lake. The mom and the daughters were very close, one day the mom decides to go into town and go shopping so she asked the neighbor to watch her kids for her till she got back. She got into her car and drove off, the neighbor sat and watched the girls play hide and seek, the mother had driven to the general store where they did all their grocery shopping and sometimes the store would get a shipment of books in. The mom goes into the general store grabs some things she needed for dinner and she ended up looking in the book section. She sorts through the books and found a book on witchcraft now her being the supposed Christian she was wasn’t suppose to even want this book or even look at, because that was considered bad juju but something made her do it anyway, but later she soon regret her decision, before this the mother claimed to hear voices telling her to stuff, now the voices were telling to buy the book. She ended it buying the book along with the groceries; she paid for her items and left. While driving home the road she was on was very twisty, and had a lot of curves and as she is driving something out of nowhere jumped in front of the car causing the mother to swerve and hit a tree, now she claimed it was some type of demon or devil, it was half jack rabbit and had hooves of a goat now that usually meant if you saw a creature like this it meant the devil was near. Now this scared the living hell out of the mother and she didn’t know what to do or what to think, and it is said that the book on witchcraft she bought was the reason why she saw what she saw and now it was only going to get worse. She gained control, she got out of the car and checked out the damage it wasn’t too bad she got back into the car and drove home and didn’t speak about what had happened to her. The mother thanked the neighbor and hugged her girls tightly. She then grabbed her groceries and the book and went inside to put the groceries away; she ran upstairs and hid the book. Later that night after dinner and she washed the dishes the girls had bathed and had snacks and went to bed, the mother was alone in the living room knitting and listening to the radio when something came through it was a creepy, eerie voice telling her to use the book, use the book, use the book. She got chills, the hairs on her arms began to stand up; she got up and turned off radio. The mom eventually gave into the voices for she couldn’t take it anymore for if she listened she thought the voices would stop, but they didn’t they grew worse and now their hold on the mother grew stronger for she grew weak in her faith and that’s when the demons took over her mind. She felt funny like there so hold on her she felt weird but yet powerful, she feel the demons’ oppression. You could feel a heaviness in the house it felt different. Even the girls could feel the heaviness and dramatic change in the house, and it was beginning to affect them and their moods. They would fight over nothing or they would have heated arguments over the stupidest things. Nothing would prepare this family for worst that was about to happen. Thar night after the girls ate dinner took their baths had snacks went to just like every night an went to bed around eight. The mother was in the basement doing laundry, she was quietly thinking to her self when she began hearing voices this time it wasn’t in her head, they telling her to do a spell, form a circle and do an animal sacrifice, the mother immediately obeyed the voices, she had a blank look on her face and walked like she was in a trance. She went upstairs and grabbed her book and took out of her nightstand; just then a huge thunderstorm rolled in as if from nowhere, thunder clapping loudly, lighting flashing, the mother held the book tightly to her chest, grabbed a butcher knife went into the chicken coop and took a chicken and held in her other arm. She then proceeded into the woods where she found a clearing, took some candles where she formed a circle, then with some nearby sticks she formed a pentagram, she lit the candles and started a fire she took the book and out of nowhere a breeze opened up to the spell she needed and she began to speak and chant and at the end of the spell she chopped off the chicken’s head took the blood and poured into the fire along with the chicken and spoke these words, “Oh mighty Dark One, I present to this sacrifice, to cleanse me of any sins I may of committed.” Now she after she threw the chicken into the fire, she saw the devil himself come out of the fire, he was tall and large and so scary looking, she came of her trance and saw what was in front of her, she screamed so bloody loud over the thunder no one could hear her, she ran through the woods, just as this happening things in the house are getting worse, now of the daughters have seen a demon face in the house and it scared the crap of her she crying and screaming, and now the other has woken up to hear sister, now they’re both terrified and yelling for their mother, but she is no where to be found, they run to their mother’s room lock the door and hide, but the demons are pounding and shaking the door so fiercely the whole house shook. Meanwhile outside the mother is being chased by the devil and she is screaming and crying and praying to God for forgiveness for what she had done, she gets to the house and she locks the before she gets inside the devil turned into a mist and slipped under the door. She hears her kids yelling and screaming and the mother goes into panic mode but yet she tries to keep calm and be assertive she yells “I cast you in the name of Jesus Christ”, this had only angered the demons and they came for the mother, they each grabbed her and threw up against the wall she hit with a loud thud, they grabbed her throat and began to choke her, she continued to cast them out, and eventually gave up and left. When she thought all was quiet and calm, she went upstairs to her room, and told the kids it was her and to unlock the door the girls obeyed. It was the end of this horrible night, as calmed her kids they knelt on the floor and prayed, when the girls were calm, she sent them back to bed. After a rough night the mom herself went to bed, as she is getting into bed there in front of her stood the devil himself, ‘I own your soul now, you are mine.” The mother began to cry but she calmly and firmly cast the devil out. That very next day the mother took that book took to where to had started that fire built another one and burned that book into nothing but char. She called the local reverend at a Baptist church to come out and have her house and land blessed, the reverend agreed to come out and do that on that day in that river the mom and kids were baptized.

Author Notes: Never dabble in witchcraft or the occult.


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About This Story
21 Jul, 2020
Read Time
7 mins
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