Yourself -
You will always be yourself to me and that's why you are perfect in every way
Open-minded -
You put others feelings first and thats why I need you. You help me get away and that's why I'm still alive to this day
Understanding -
You never underestimate our friendship, you understand and give me hope when I'm in dismay
The reason you're alive is to help people, like me, who need you. That's why I need you, and thats why the world needs you. So keep being you and I'll keep being me and I promise we can break free,
from the people that curse and shun ideas
from the people that hurt us and bring us to tears
I need you for me. And you need me for you. So be yourself and the world will forgive.
Author Notes: I know this doesn't QUITE make sense but not all poems do, hah.
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