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Year 8

Year 8

By eloise2006 - 1 Review

i’d do anything to be back in year 8
when things were simple
when i didn’t care how i looked
or if my hair was a mess
when i didn’t care what i ate
or what the number on the scales were
when i was the one looking up to the year 11’s
now i’m the one being looked up at
i care if i look like a mess
because society has this problem
where if you look a certain way then you don’t get anyone
and if you don’t get anyone then you’re outcast
i care what i eat
because the number of the scale just seems to keep going up
it never seems to go down
i thought that exams were so far away
and now i’m here sitting them next year
i always thought i had time left to be a kid
and yet im turning 18 next year
i’d do anything to talk to year 8 me
tell her not to wish her life away
that it only gets harder
i would hug her and tell her she’s going to be alright
but i would still do anything to be back there
when things were simple
in year 8.

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About This Story
22 Feb, 2023
Read Time
<1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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