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YES: Revenge Part 2
YES: Revenge Part 2

YES: Revenge Part 2

1 Review

Flint's POV

Just because half his family is “normal” doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t have fun. Nothing’s wrong with fireworks.

Yes, he did think that it was imperative to teach his uneducated siblings how to infiltrate an assassin organization and/or how to escape from one incase of a kidnapping. Yes, he did think that teaching them how to arm and disarm a bomb was a vary useful skill that they should definatly teach in schools. And yes, he believed this even if Everett thought it was dangerous especially if Everett thought that it was dangerous.

“Everett, if we don’t teach them anything then they will stay inexperienced. And then, we still can’t teach them.” They need a more broad education base. This was indeed a broader education basis. And it was ever increasingly evident that his siblings needed to be trained.

“That is the point.”

“Reid was having the time of his life learning how to build the bomb and he was great at disarming it. He could build a missile, probably.”

“That’s what I was talking about, you are going to give them dangerous hobbies. Like playing with weapons and other dangerous objects.”

“Callum plays with weapons all the time and he is five, at least Reid is 10.”

Just then Willow runs in and in broken English states, “Bradford, here. No argue. Makes sad.”

Unlike all the other assassin children, Willow only spoke Russian, because she was supposed to be the silent assassin but her brothers at least taught her Russian. Learning English was a slow process for her.

The other two in the room immediately ended their argument. Everett conceded like he always did, because he knew that Flint would keep the others safe. He had to. That was what he vowed to them apon running away. And he wanted them to be able to protect each other just in case he couldn’t.

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10 Mar, 2022
Read Time
1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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