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You And Your World Are Safe! (2)
You And Your World Are Safe! (2)

You And Your World Are Safe! (2)

1 Review

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Lie-Detector

For some time by now a new world order has been developing. This order is of the spiritual kind and that’s why being materially over-orientated will gradually become outdated. Having run its course, we firmly promise that it will not take long until there will be no more of it. And that’s because there has been enough suffering in your world. Humankind is ready to experience the next instalment of the lesson of appreciating the value of truth.

Independent of what anyone may still try to convince you, your world is rapidly moving towards getting rid suffering. What’s in store for humankind is everybody working together peacefully and harmoniously, helping and supporting each other, instead of exploiting and taking advantage of those around you. Your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are doing their best to continue with the old pattern. We promise you that they will not succeed.

As many of you already are aware, your world’s consciousness consists of a light and a dark stream. Each time you send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to those whose earthly selves are involved in scaremongering activities, which belong to the dark stream and feed into it, you are supporting the light stream that, at the same time aims to strengthen the scaremongers’ indwelling spirit/soul. Through your efforts, it moves ever more into the foreground of a person’s consciousness and rouses their higher God or Christ nature ever more from its slumbering state. The more the light stream is supported, the stronger it becomes which enables it to absorb ever more of dark stream.

The Aquarian age is the age when the truth will return ever more to your world. And that’s why your Creator has provided every one of its beloved children of the Earth with a very special gift. From the moment of humankind’s first appearance on the Earth, this gift has been written in the great evolutionary plan for humankind’s spiritual development. Because of this, every one of you has always possessed their own built-in lie-detector. However, for the duration of the patriarchy of approx. six thousand years, this ability had to remain dormant.

Buy the deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian age energies, the more this gift is stirring from its slumbers in anyone whose evolutionary pathway shows that for them the time has come to find out what the truth behind everything is. For some time by now, this has been happening in your world. And that’s why intuitively, ever more of you are well aware of what the truth is. In-tuition is everybody’s inner teacher or guru. When the right evolutionary level has been reached, your intuition stirs from its slumbering state and gradually takes over ever more of your earthly self’s consciousness. Whatever spiritual wisdom and truth from then onwards flows from us, on the highest levels of life, into you is meant to be shared with as many as possible on the earthly plane through publishing it wherever this can be done.

For the purpose of gradually enabling ever more of you to discover their own truth and nothing but the truth, from the word go of humankind’s existence on planet Earth, your Creator decreed that every one of you should be provided with their very own built-in lie-detector of guidance from within through the small still voice of consciousness. Since then it has always communicated with every human being through the world of their feelings. For those who at present are sufficiently evolved to make use of this capability, will slowly but surely feel its presence ever more strongly. Your lie-detector reacts to everything that comes before you. It makes no difference whether it’s through hearing or seeing something, your innermost being reacts with either ‘this is true or false!’.

This is how in due course every human being learns how to rely upon their inner guidance. If something feels right, then that’s what it is for you, even though it may not be for anyone around you – as yet. And that applies as much to this message as to all other parts of the Aquarian writings. Gone are the days when you had to take whatever came before you at face-value. That’s what humankind had to do during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. That’s when your world’s belief systems brought forth some exceedingly strange tales and forced their followers to believe that they were literally true. Your lie-detector does away with this. The only thing you have to do is pay attention to how the wise one or living God within you reacts to whatever comes into your orbit.

This is how the small still voice of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature has always tried to communicate with its earthly personality. Because your Christ nature is part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also your world, it really does know the way of all things. That’s why it is the only truly reliable and trustworthy guru or teacher who in every one of you is waiting to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, about everything. This is the most essential equipment that will eventually be available to every human being for the Aquarian age, the age of truth.

The more highly evolved you become, the more sensitive you will become for using your lie-detector who communicates with you through the world of your feelings. After a while of practising this instrument, you will be delighted to discover that almost automatically you know what’s true and untrue of whatever comes within your reach. That’s how, with the passing of time, through your own experiences you discover that the wise one or living God’s voice within you is one hundred percent reliable and trustworthy.

Whenever you listen within to find out something, it will be our voice you perceive. That’s who has been communicating with you through the Aquarian writings, for over twenty years. We are the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, who have always been in charge of the creation and development of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also on your plane.

– To be continued. –

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31 May, 2022
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