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You Can't Breathe Underwater

You Can't Breathe Underwater

By heythere - 1 Review

When life presents us with a seemingly impossible task, we like to think as if it is not being impossible. That we can overcome anything. Nothing is impossible.
But some things are impossible. And we don't like it. You can't cut diamonds with a pair of scissors. You can't cut off someone's head without them dying as a result. You can't breathe underwater.
We have to start to understand that we can't do anything. But...
We can solve these problems with creativity. This is where magic happens. You can't cut diamonds with scissors, so we cut them with other diamonds. You can't cut off someone's head without them dying, so that's why we have photoshop and fake blood. You can't breathe underwater, but you can with the help of SCUBA gear.
So yeah, nothing is impossible.
At least not without the help of our imagination.

Author Notes: Would it be impossible to comment ;)

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10 Jan, 2016
Read Time
<1 min
3.0 (1 review)

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