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You never know what someone has been through
You never know what someone has been through

You never know what someone has been through


She shared something she has never told me today. There was a point in her life where she also felt lonely or depressed, actually there were several times. This was in the early years of her relationship with my dad.

During the hardest times she barely got out of bed, all she wanted to do was "like" die. Luckily she had my dad who was supportive and tried to help her from the bottom of his heart. My dad has also had a rough childhood like her, they both have had many depressive episodes during their lifetimes. It makes me happy knowing that they had eachother at least.

Both of my parents have told me about their rough childhoods, but she had never gotten into detail like that. I think that she felt like she didnt need to share it because it can be heavy for a child to hear and hard for her to tell of course. I think that she only now decided to share this with me because she sees that im struggling right now.

There was a time in the conversation where she said that it hurts her so much seeing me like "this". Her eyes got more red and formed more tears when she said that. We both silentely cried while trying to control our voices. It really hurt hearing her say that. I dont want to hurt her of course.

I have been avoiding talking to her and my dad about how I feel, but when she shared that it made me want to share how I actually feel. I think she hoped that it would have that affect too. She really is a great mom. I truly look up to her, she is one of the strongest persons I know. I cant describe how much I love her and my family. I hope we all someday are truly happy.

Author Notes: Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

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6 Mar, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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