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You Put the World to Shame
You Put the World to Shame

You Put the World to Shame

1 Review

I can barely keep from tripping,
Yet I can’t force myself to move.
I can’t keep my jaw from dropping,
When you step into the room.
Your smile makes my head spin,
My heart beats fast within.
The lights dance in dazzling arrays
Where they shine upon your skin.

Oh I wish I had the courage
To look into your eyes.
For your gaze holds all the splendor of the world;
All the glory of the skies.
Stars may spin and dance,
The sun may set in flame.
Snow may drift in gorgeous flakes,
Yet you put them all to shame.

I cannot dare to grab your hand
For fear I won’t let go.
I want so much to say these things,
Yet, my love I dare not show.
I cannot help but feel I’ll hurt you,
Yet I can’t bear to let you go.
But I cannot let this fear stop me,
For without you I’m not whole.
So I will take this risk again and again.
For you, the most beautiful girl I know.

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8 Oct, 2019
Read Time
<1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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