You're Not My Type
By TheForgotten - 2 Reviews
I turn towards him, his icy blue eyes watch me. I can recognize a small gleam in them, mischief. His impeccable lips form an even more perfect smirk.
"You're not my type." I growl at him. I've dealt with his kind before. He fakes an offended expression.
"I'm everyone's type." He answers, I watch as his left eyebrow cocks.
"No. Player is not everyone's type." I begin to walk through the parking lot and to my car. Surprisingly he follows me.
"Let me surprise you then." His arm is on the door holding it shut.
"Please. Don't flatter yourself." I roll my eyes at him before peeling his hand off the door. "Go find some idiotic girl who won't see past your disguise." He doesn't walk away he just stands and watches as I drive further and further. Who knows maybe he wasn't like the rest. But I'm not willing to take that risk. Not again at least.
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