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Inksmith's Profile

Bram Bone

Inksmith is from US United States • 29 y/o • Male


"He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands, his head, and his heart is an artist." ~St. Francis of Assisi

Birth Year
Star Sign
19 Nov, 2018
Last Visit
5 years ago

Latest Stories by Bram Bone

The Ring of the Raven
A short poetic story about a tired and sorrow-bound author grieving for his lost love, thinking he would never hear from her again. Until an unexpected thing happened one stark and dreary night.
2 mins
Words: 547
Read Time: 2 mins
On Winter's Last Breath
A short poem about the end of winter.
<1 min
Words: 68
Read Time: <1 min
The Silver Lady
I never believed in the silver lady. She was just a folklore, a scare-trap, nothing but the imaginings of weaker minds; but then I saw her, and that was the night I fell in love.
2 mins
Words: 595
Read Time: 2 mins