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AlanAngel's Profile

Logan van Engelen

AlanAngel is from ES Spain • 43 y/o • Male

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.

For many years I have been wanting to start writing down the many stories that have crossed my mind. I have finally gotten to the point where I have actually started doing so. Also inspired by the discovery and content of this website.

Birth Year
Star Sign
15 Sep, 2019
Last Visit
2 months ago
Avg Rating Given
3 from 1 reviews
Ratings Received
5 from 2 reviews

Latest Stories by Logan van Engelen

Neighbors 18+
A new family moves into a quiet neighborhood. As the gossip starts, some local residents want to know more about their new neighbors.
31 mins
Words: 6320
Read Time: 31 mins
The Exile 18+
Ben awakens and finds himself in a situation he has no memory of. Determined to get answers he pushes on. Nothing could prepare him for what happens next...
35 mins
Words: 7036
Read Time: 35 mins