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aspen-faye is from US United States • 19 y/o • Female

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future.-Proverbs 31:25

How I Met Your Mother
Story by yichxng (22)
Nothing cheerful like the original "How I Met Your Mother". Enjoy!
8 mins
Words: 1676
Read Time: 8 mins
You Think YOU'RE Having A Bad Day?
Story by Galaxian (30)
If you think you're having a bad day, wait until you read this funny short story.
3 mins
Words: 728
Read Time: 3 mins
Story by Auron (19)
All I saw was my swimsuit melt with the elegant colors of the sea as I drowned.
<1 min
Words: 100
Read Time: <1 min
When I Do Not Lie Awake
Poem by Ashisa Mochizuki (27)
The vastness of our dreams entail our wide vision about reality.
<1 min
Words: 81
Read Time: <1 min