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Aurora987654321 is from US United States • 20 y/o

Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go. E.L Doctorow

Reviews Given

Love by Amber Jones

This is a good way of looking at romance love... tho I don't think love just comes that easily. Sometimes people don't even know they love each other and sometimes people never fall in love, Although I love reading these kinds of romance poems/stories their so amazing and they make you feel happy and gitty so.... good job!

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Stars by Amber Jones

Great job, I love how well you can write poetry! 👍

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Memories by Amber Jones

I like this poem a lot and I completely agree with you. This is why we always need to try our best to make good memories with others. The things we do will leave lasting impressions/memories on others. If we hurt someone or are rude to someone they are always going to remember that. If you betray someone's trust or lie to them and they figure it out, it is going to be hard to gain their trust back. This is why we should always try to be kind to others especially our beloved friends and family, the ones who love you and will always care for you. I like this poem a lot. If I one day woke up not knowing who I was I would probably just be straight-up scared.

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I Miss You by tayloremilyadaros

Very nice poetry. I love how nicely it flows. 👍

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Dancing by Amber Jones

I love this story! It has such an amazing story to tell. Dancing is an amazing way in expressing yourself, and I'll agree with you their dancing is more fun when there is two.

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My Big Yellow Umbrella by tayloremilyadaros

Awww this was such an adorable story, I loved it so much. Great job!

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Come Again by Ace

I liked how this poem could be interpreted in many different ways, Great job.

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