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BlueberryCatfish is from US United States • 25 y/o


I'm not even 19, I just said that because I didn't know if I could read the higher rated stories if I was underage, but whatever. Just so you know my stories will usually be in the POV of some sort of animal, usually cat or dog because I cant right human stories for shit. I have 2 dogs my self, smooth collie bitches Starla and Dora, and a cat named Tiger.

Birth Year
Star Sign
14 Sep, 2018
Last Visit
5 years ago
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3 from 1 reviews


Im accually 13, and I live in Washington. My favorite animal is a cat, or maybe a wolf because I love canines and felines. I have 2 dogs, well one of them, Starla, is my sisters, Dora is mine. She is a smooth collie bitch I use to compete in AKC shows, she loves barn hunt ^.^ and 4H in King County. I was ranked 9th junior shower in Washington for a while, until I kind of started doing more 4H than AKC. I have gone to state 4 years which means I won either champion or reserve champion in both obedience and showmanship. I have also one high-point junior and intermediate. Me and Dora compete in Advanced Novice obedience, which she is really good at and enjoys.

I also have a 7 pound cat named TIger, he only has 3 legs, because he was ran over by a car, and it was acually Dora who notified us that he was injured. He is a tiny kitty but he has a huge personality. We got him long before any of our dogs, and he is almost 9 yearsd old, but he is super healthy and catches small birds, mice, rats and baby rabbits all the time. WHen we got Dor, the rambuntious puppy, Tiger had no trouble making sure that she knew that since he was the eldest, he was the most dominant. He does fine with the dogs, and he craves human attention, but he hates other cats, so we have to wait for him to pass before we get another cat. He does go into my neighbors house and hang out with their SIX cats, the only cats he's ever gotten along with.

Now about me. I go to a school in washington, and I dont have the best school record, Im in 8th grade, and I'm hoping for better grades this school year. But sometimes its hard for me to concentrate and get along with my classmates, because I have ADHD and Bipolar. I'm ussually patient, it takes a bit to get me angry, but when I do get anger I unleash a storm and adopt bullyish tendencies. I also do this thing where, if I'm arguing with someone, I'll be patient and perfectly fine until they get angry, and when they get angry I'll immediatly get 10 times angrier. I dont cause trouble and freak out at my parents much. But when I do i'll knock stuff of tables, draw on my walls, scream, cry, i'll literly be a 13 year old throwing a tempertantrum.

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Life and Death
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3 mins
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