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Janahassan321 is from Ch Switzerland • 28 y/o

Story by Savvy (28)
Saying good-bye to a dear friend who's life ended to quickly.
3 mins
Words: 606
Read Time: 3 mins
Thinking of Suicide?
Story by lucylovesgloves (28)
No one understands you; no one knows what you’re going through, you’re alone or at least that’s what you think....
5 mins
Words: 1158
Read Time: 5 mins
The Good Die Young
Story by Skylar (21)
The more the main character does good, the sooner they die, and vice versa.
2 mins
Words: 532
Read Time: 2 mins
Poem by Dinetzle (18)
I can't really say much about this. You just gotta read it.
1 min
Words: 294
Read Time: 1 min