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MyThoughts's Avatar


MyThoughts is from US United States • 24 y/o

Being a man today is like being a social punching bag and then being asked to stop complaining about being sacked because we have it good.

Reviews Given

Two Friends by Thomas Ray

The struggle between light and dark. Keep fighting

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Another Angel Cries by Zack

How do you know? What about your feelings can't a girl feel?

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gEnDeR rOlEs by Kiraa

America is not a patriarchy. Assault and rape are awful, but we do not live in a patriarchy.

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So What! by Sad🥺

Vaping is often a destructive habit, so I don't know about it being fine, but... I won't judge, I guess.
As for you being a man, you're 14. How long ago was puberty? Grow up and DO things with your body before deciding it's the wrong one.

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I Hate by Sad🥺

Give yourself time. Try to keep busy with other things, grow your mind, and your character. Those things matter more than your body.
Like someone else said, it's the only body you'll get, so be careful with it. Don't do anything you might regret later.
Give yourself time. Don't despair, negative feelings will pass.

You already are you. Learn to love yourself.

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