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Andre M. Pietroschek

Pietroschek is from DE Germany • 51 y/o • Male

Prosaic fiction and freestyle poetry.

Reviews Given

Vino Vendetta by Terry Adcock

A humorous take on awkward social situations. Clad in mobster-flair and godfather kinda crime fiction comedy.

``Now, I have so much not to review on masterpieces making me pale in envy?´´ ;-) A little overstatement.

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The firebug tape by Lev821

While literally nothing but known & oldschool horrormovie cliche, this story is entertaining, because the author makes it a worthy read.

The characters are believable and we get enough info to follow the story. The story flow is also unbroken, albeit a bit lengthy, which takes quite some writing skill (no loss of what is going on & what already happened).

The ending is also classic, a classic scorned nowadays, but being older myself: Such were the writing standards & expectations, some decades ago.

Thanks for sharing!

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Cornwall by leethompson

Cornwall by Lee Thompson

What starts as a little escape trip from London (Sherlock City, since Benedict Cumberbatch), turns into the horrid discovery of a lifetime to hubby and wife.

I also appreciate that it is not another Lovecraftian copycat within which all are relatives to some supernatural species.

The format is flawless, and if there are any grammar issues, then I am too Non-Native-Speaker and too ill-educated to even notice a single one.

Writing style is fluent and believable. So are the characters (and doggies).

Thanks for sharing!

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Tunnel to Oblivion by JPYoung

Happy that I did not stumble into another copycat of ``The Midnight Meat Train´´, a horror movie unable to deliver true Lovecraftian horror, this story was authentic horror and also showed-off a comediant streak.

``MacAdams did a weekly self defence course that equally mixed military unarmed combat. back alley dirty fighting and Three Stooges mayhem.´´

The fun of ``Ha, Ha! I am not that easily undone, dear Satanists´´ is humbled by the final. That is a good sign for concept of a story, and it comes in both, homage of the horror classics AND fitting the stand-alone story.

JPYoung is an author, who does not make the mistakes of dishing us ill-formatted texts, nor prone to severe mistakes wrecking the grammar. Inspiring!

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Ghost Tour, Hobart by JPYoung

Vagualy reminding of Victorian Age UK ghost-stories, still unique and lovely in its atmosphere, character description, and plot.

``The tour entered the swish Lenna Hotel for more accounts and legends. They made their way up staircases to the rectangular cupola for a view of the harbour lights.´´

Another story working well WITHOUT any need for excessive violence, platitudes, or gory details. Also, an underlying, benevolent humor of even the dreaded moments in life taking a good turn.

As usual with JPYoung (the author): No complaints about grammar or format either.

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For the Love of Dragons by Terry Adcock

An exercise Agatha Christie would smile at! The little story about a murder-suspect & Lottie includes a good writing flow, dialogue giving personality to the characters, and insights into ``the mind of a murderer´´.

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Two Free in Nouméa by JPYoung

Another story that has some detail, whereby the strength of the writing style makes the story-flow work from start to final.

``You're direct and brutally practical but courteous, well dressed and well could tell me to go to Hell and I'd look forward to the trip...´´

The character interaction makes this much better than a solitary detective on a job approaches, because herein it works out fine, as we can develop or likes or dislikes about the characters.

A tone of French flair is predominant in this story, and the dialogues include some witty & clever lines.

Impressive work, though not the kind of story I prefer (my RL is too far off that mainstream normalcy, since I restored myself from homeless wreck to worker & back to unemployed wreck. LOL)

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The Soul of the Sea Witch by JPYoung

The Soul Of The Sea Witch is like a journey back in time. A bit overshadowed by the pain & loss wars always include, yet the story steers for a happy ending!

``He neither fully believed, nor disbelieved what she said, but he always listened and tried not to sound confrontational when he asked her questions. ´´ - Quoting the author (and adding isn't that the basis for any relationship?)

A soldier and his loving woman (later wife) face the reality, within which both only prevail by doing what is necessary and whatever ``luck´´ makes some people survive, while others die without a chance.

I am no expert on drag queens, but the notion came as no surprise, because I know (some) of the energetic odds SHIFTING, when a ``Schutz-Transe aka Guardian Transexual´´ voluntarily joins on a real occult venture (excluding sex & drugs, as that lethal danger part is true).

The writing style of the story is fluid and format & grammar are good as well.

Personal note to the author: ``It's what you get, when you message me about a detective sequel, but forget to mention the TITLE, so I had to delve thru your extensive list of formidable works!´´ ;-)

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