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Spyro's Profile

Anonymus Reviewer

Spyro is from NZ New Zealand • 20 y/o

Reviews Given

The End Is Only the Beginning by Aspen

Wow, this is so true. One year that was really hard for me to let go of was 2016. It was my last year of intermediate. I still think about those good old times.

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The Day I Went to the Zoo by tayloremilyadaros

Amazing! especially as it's your first short story, I am impressed

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The Melody of Summer by Mitzi Danielson-Kaslik

This is actually really nice!

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A Firm Grip on You by scorp

It wasn't that scary for me but I still LOVED it. You described things really well! 😊

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Beyond by scorp

Yeah, its crazy how we are just a small dot (not even that really) in this massive universe!

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Death by SamZ

Wow, this is deep

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