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Lollipop_56's Profile


Lollipop_56 is from US United States • 17 y/o

i'm in my bathtub w/ ice cream & world-building fantastical plot lines i'll never use


recommended by 4 out of 5 people

"growing up is like looking on both sides of the street before crossing and then getting hit by a plane."

my art instagram is down here. i guess.


Birth Year
Star Sign
27 May, 2018
Last Visit
3 months ago
Avg Rating Given
4.7 from 128 reviews
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4.8 from 344 reviews


slytherin >:) - leo ♌︎ - entp - notebook hoarder - morally grey character enthusiast - giant graphic design nerd

w e l c o m e :)

biographies are so hard to write. i’ve been putting this off, but it desperately needs some updates. here goes nothing.

if you couldn’t tell already, i love writing. pretty much since i read the magic treehouse series and decided to write a terrible knock-off version of it in 2nd grade. i also enjoy reading, of course; everything from trashy YA to psychology books to fantasy or thriller. i'll pretty much read anything that sounds mildly interesting. i also like drawing--been doing that since forever too--and spend most of my time doodling on every surface i can reach.

another one of my favorite activities must be listening to music(i know, i am just so special). i got those cringy tiktok led lights in my room too; totally overrated. but it’s the perfect environment to get existential. i listen many genres, but if i were to pick a couple artists i’ve really been enjoying as of recent, i gotta say caroline rose, jadu heart, and can you really go wrong with radiohead?

i’m not as deep as i’m making it seem right now. though i have a lot of artistic hobbies, i spend most of my time doing homework and experiencing the five stages of grief as i try to my make my notes neat(hot take: mildliners suck.)

what else? i enjoy coffees in the morning and tea at night. i like watching horror movies with friends and marathoning through true crime documentaries on my own. i go to an art studio three times a week and consistently get paint and charcoal on my pants every time. i try not cry every time something i design in photoshop looks terrible. i like to reread through my old writing projects and cringe (like a total masochist, i know). i like walks late at night. i like collecting stupid stuffed animals (current inventory includes a stuffy of an egg and a pineapple with eyebrows). i like rearranging and redecorating my room at strange hours of the night. i play lots of mario kart, hades, minecraft and animal crossing: new horizons.

besides bullying my animal crossing villagers, my other hobbies include watching too many horror playthroughs, journaling, playing a bit of guitar and singing, occasionally posting videos of my own on youtube (i pray that no one finds it ever), and just hanging out with friends. good people are rare, but i’ve been blessed with a group of ride or dies. i’m very grateful.

that's all for now. please remember to stay safe! take care of yourself. you matter! you took time out of your day to read this mess, so you deserve a good hug and a nice meal. and on that cheesy note, i hope you had a good summer! thank you for reading.

friend me, contact me, i'm here for anonymous support. thank you for dropping by!!
(previous usernames have been ohsabi and iiaso)

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