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By djreed7100 - 1 Review

My momentum is catching up to me.  Ten years I lived in an ivy league town.  I however didn't feel very ivy league.  I felt more of a B squad in the minor leagues vibe.  To shine brighter than most lights is easier anyway in the minors you see.  I spent the majority of those years on the starting squad of the minor leagues.  Life was sweet.  I had many things at hand.  Women mostly.  I didn't enjoy much of it when I was in total control.  I prefer to asort and build my defenses first.  Unknowingly to any on lookers.  In my head it goes like this, 'gotta fortify to dignify.'  I'd like to think I dignified and fortified enough to write a movie with.  At least a screen play. 
 Then one day suddenly I was rushed out of town.  The army called.  I went out to fight who knows who, there and there.  I spent much of my deployment in the Italy.  I was placed there due to my rudimentary handle of the Italian speak.  Everybody chooses spanish, I'll be different so I took Italian.  Chicks dig it I thought.  And they do, if you speak it well.
  I came home to faces I haven't seen in years.  All my friends have dissipated.  A few girlfriends are still hovering about.  Melissa is one of them, and the only one.  Unbelievable to me that she has not married yet.   Maybe we are meant to be together.  I'll have to wade through a fiance to approach this situation.  I regained contact with her yesterday only to find out she has a five month old baby boy, Sammy.  In tow is a finance who is apparently unavailable most of the time.  Good news  except I have just started it up with another girl altogether.  When it rains it pours but when it storms then what happens?  I guess this happens.  Your systems are all screwed up, you don't know up from down, etc..etc... .  I am caught in a maze again but instead of uncle Sam, it is women in this arena.  A delicate situation but my heart knows full well what needs to happen. Alot of time has passed.  Things change.  Love however does not.  My heart beats as steady and firmly as it did when we first danced.  That has not changed.   

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3 Mar, 2015
Read Time
1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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