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(Showing 148 - 168 of 161 Results)
If You Go Down to the Woods Today
Story by haywooddave (81)
Angie's mother is very grateful for the help she received from someone or something unexpected at the river side.
3 mins
Words: 749
Read Time: 3 mins
Run Rabbit Run 18+
Story by StephLiBen (36)
Michael is a detective and a hunter and his prey are demons. But it's not just demons he should fear, something else is hunting the demons, something destructive and deadly.
24 mins
Words: 4880
Read Time: 24 mins
Story by gregsacchet (63)
Serendipity brings a man and woman together - 45 years later
4 mins
Words: 870
Read Time: 4 mins
Live This Day as if It Is Your Last!
Story by Galaxian (30)
Every day counts in 'Live This Day As If It Is Your Last', an inspirational short story by Og Mandino.
4 mins
Words: 899
Read Time: 4 mins
Attitude is Everything
Story by Galaxian (30)
A short inspirational story that shows that attitude is indeed everything. Written by Francie Baltazar-Schwartz.
3 mins
Words: 716
Read Time: 3 mins
Oops, Wrong E-mail Address
Story by Galaxian (30)
He opened his laptop and sent his wife an e-mail. However....
1 min
Words: 227
Read Time: 1 min
How Could You?
Story by Co1dnight (34)
A short story that shows how unconditional a dog's love is. You're likely to cry after reading this.
5 mins
Words: 1072
Read Time: 5 mins
Princess Tuna and the Big Decision
Story by mudswimmer (52)
Princess Tuna has a big marriage decision to make. A kid's story for adults or an adult story for kids?
5 mins
Words: 1098
Read Time: 5 mins
And Then The Fight Started
Story by Galaxian (30)
A married man gets into situations... and then the fight started.
2 mins
Words: 435
Read Time: 2 mins
Hospital Windows
And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.
2 mins
Words: 455
Read Time: 2 mins
A Tear to the Eye
Barbara was driving her six-year-old son, Benjamin, to his piano lesson when something bad happened....
2 mins
Words: 558
Read Time: 2 mins
Puppies for Sale
A sweet little story about how a puppy and a boy were destined to be together.
1 min
Words: 345
Read Time: 1 min
You Think YOU'RE Having A Bad Day?
Story by Galaxian (30)
If you think you're having a bad day, wait until you read this funny short story.
3 mins
Words: 728
Read Time: 3 mins
Are you looking for a Cup or a Coffee?
Story by Galaxian (30)
Inspiring Short Story that asks you the question, are you looking for a cup or a coffee?
1 min
Words: 217
Read Time: 1 min