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2021 : Year Of Miracles And Wonders
2021 : Year Of Miracles And Wonders

2021 : Year Of Miracles And Wonders


Nothing But The Truth : The Whole Truth

You Are Special – Part Five

My inner guidance continues: ‘I would like to remind you that the 1st January 2021 in truth was the end of the year 2021 and the beginning of 2022. And that’s a year when miracles and wonders, and especially the greatest miracle of all, the transformation of your whole world, can and will happen. The numbers 11 and 22 are your world’s Master vibrations. The 222 moves the whole of humankind, individually and collectively, onto the next higher evolutionary level. The 22 being followed by the 0 = the circle of Eternity and then another 2 confirms this.

‘Monday 21st June 2021 is the day of the summer solstice and the Sun moves into Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon that’s dedicated to the Great Mother of all life. Monday is also under Her rulership and that increases the influence of Her feminine energies on everything that exists in your world, including every one of you, your loved ones and friends. The solstice day this year is under the influence of 2 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 = 15/6 = Venus, the planetary ruler of the earthy fixed sign Taurus and airy cardinal Libra.

‘In each sign Venus brings beauty, peace and harmony in a different way. During a lifetime in Taurus you concentrate on enjoying the good things of the Earth. You learn about the value things. Taureans above all love money because that will buy them as much as possible of the good things of the Earth. Libra is the sign of marriage and relationships in general. Lifetimes in this sign are spent by concentrating on good relationships. Libra is the peacemaker and diplomat of the zodiac.

‘The energies of the next Full Moon are going to be beneficial. It takes place on Thursday 26th June 2021 at 18.40 hrs Greenwich Meantime in the sign Capricorn. Ruled by the stern and undeviating schoolmaster of the zodiac, Saturn, this is the sign in which humankind’s hopes and dreams of the highest achievements can find fulfilment, but only when you go about it the right way, i.e. with self-discipline and self-mastery. This full Moon promises to bring enlightenment to your world, i.e. a better understanding of things that could have been puzzling you for a long time. This time it is likely to emerge about the leaders of large public organisations and institutions, for example governments and their police forces, health systems and the industries that are supposed to serve them.

‘But let’s return to fairy tales for a moment. They were originally not written for the entertainment of children. Each one was an attempt to provide grown-ups with spiritual education, hope and encouragement about what’s ahead for humankind. During the time of the patriarchy, the spreading of such stories was a dangerous pastime. But in spite of that, for a long time they circled by world of mouth only. The German Brothers Grimm eventually set about collecting them and writing them down, so they could be published in bookform. The truth about your world’s situation, destiny and future at that time had to be hidden most carefully behind the stories’ surface words and they were presented to your world as fairy tales. This was necessary because at that time your world’s old religions did all they could to hide the truth. They did not shy away from wiping out anyone who dared to voice the slightest of doubts that any of their ever stranger tales was not literally true.

‘Through them, with the passing of time, layer upon layer of fear was piled into humankind’s individual and collective consciousness. That’s how the knowledge of our race’s origin, the true nature of God and everyone’s own was almost lost, but not quite. The separation from your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, left a deep inner wound behind in every one of you. During each earthly lifetime another layer of fear was piled onto this wound and stored in the subconscious part of everybody’s being. Without working your way through every one of these layers and dissolving each one of them, gaining access to the Source of your being and directly connecting with it is impossible. Yet, that is every human being’s birthright. Each layer has to be removed in a process that can be likened to the peeling of an onion.

‘God’s great evolutionary plan provides that, with the help of the plandemic, ever more of you are waking up from the illusion that their earthly existence is all there is to life. Their time has come for realising that earthly life is but a school and a place of learning that exists for the wise higher purpose of helping every human being to grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding. They, the same as everybody else, have been granted the gift of another lifetime to enable you to go in search of consciousness expanding experiences. The limited time of every earthly existence is precious and by no means meant to be spent with money-spinning and acquiring ever more of the good things that Mother Earth seems to offer. It seems as if they were there just for the taking, but that impression is misleading. With the passing of time, every one of you is destined to turn into a gold-digger of a very special kind. You then realise that the only gold that’s truly worth owning on the earthly plane is spiritual wisdom and understanding and that hunting that type of fortune is good and right for you.

‘This brings us full circle back to the pharma industry’s products. Your world’s natural healing methods were only temporarily pushed out of their time-proven place by them. For many of you, though only for a while, pharma chemicals seemed to work and the pharma industry worked very hard on systematically suppressing all natural healing methods. Steadily increasing numbers of you by now realise that the best the pharma industry’s products could ever hope to achieve has been suppressing the symptoms of illnesses. And that will never be a substitute for looking for and, with the help of God and the Angels, locating their underlying causes and then setting about healing them. That’s what your world’s natural healing methods have always been doing and will continue to do, for as long as anyone in your world requires them.’

Recommended Viewing:
• ‘I’ll Find My Way Home’

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17 Jun, 2021
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5 mins
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