abuse (uh oh)
uh oh
just downed another bottle, who cares
I took way too many pills to be scared
gonna end up killing myself one day
too many cigarettes over the ash tray
so many overdue bills I gotta pay
who even cares anyway
constantly ruining my life bit by bit
responsibilities? who gives a shit
I keep falling down a bottomless pit
drugs are my monsters I get consumed by it
I just wanna stay in my room and cry
watch the street lamp flicker til the sunrise
I gotta keep telling everyone
I'm gonna draw the line
I'm fine I'm fine
they just start believin' it over time
they keep on tellin' you
go on
yeah, yeah, sounds nice
but how can I when I can't contol my life?
controlling what's going on in my mind?
why do I even do this to myself
escape reality for a hot second before
passing the blunt to someone else
my eyelids are hanging low from the smoke
c'mon get find another lighter
let's move outside I'm gonna choke
uh oh
I'm fucking done
is that Death or me being dumb?
uh oh
I hate myself
pass the bottle or give it someone else
uh oh
drugs in my veins
throwing up til there's tears running down my face
uh oh
lock up me up I'm high
and I'm one the loose
my fingers brushing over a used noose
on a roll now
uh oh
can't stop the abuse
Author Notes: inspired by xanny by billie eilish
i also do want to say: i absolutely do not condone these things and do not do them myself. if you feel like this, please reach out for help. it'll feel like a million pounds are lifted off your shoulders. don't suffer in silence. i hear you.
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