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Ages~All Chapters in One
Ages~All Chapters in One

Ages~All Chapters in One

2 Reviews

Charli's Pov

I stare from afar at the football team captain.

Not to mention he completely changed when Heather- his ex- left.

"Ooo," my friend said interrupting my thoughts, "looks like the tomboy wants the football captain," Jessica said with a smirk.

I shake my head, "No way Jess," I said getting my History book out of my locker, "He is a senior and I'm a Freshman, it's not like he'll notice me anyway," I muttered

"Exactly," Jess said, "stop staring at him if you know that," she continued rubbing her temples.

"But I'm with his younger brother he can hook you guys up if you want?" she said smirking

"No, and I don't know what you see in that weird boy," I told her walking to class

she gasped, "He is amazing," she puffed and pouted her lips, "and awkwardly hot," she then said fanning her face

"He isn't Chris Hemsworth," I told her

"But I can be your Christ Hemsworth Charli," Jason said running up to us

"How many times did I tell you no Jase?" I told him burying my face in my textbook and notebook.

"Please Charli, I won't cheat," he said

again, I thought to myself adding what needed to be there.

"I'm sorry Jason were just better off as friends," I said

"BEST FRIENDS," Jess shouted

I covered my face with my long hair as the Seniors, Sophomores and other students stared.

"Sorry," Jessica whispered as we entered the class.

We sat at our desks and listened to the teacher.

Well, everyone but Jessica listened to the teacher.

"Class I have an announcement," the teacher spoke as I was filling out some needed words in my notes, "The senior football team captain will be here to watch the class for two months for his college resume. I ask that you be on your best behavior," the teacher said.

Some girls and a few boys fanned their faces.

I groaned and Jason rolled his eyes as I tied my hair into a ponytail as Jason and some other boys checked me out.

"Jason and Ms. West," the teacher said in a stern voice, "Do we have a problem?" she asked.

Jason said no, but I choose to ignore her until she called me by my actual name.

"Ms. West?" she asked again

"My name is Charli," I told her, "My sister is Ms. West," I said as I sighed.

"Mrs. P," the football captain said, "It's fine I have this," he said as she nodded her head, gathered her stuff and left the classroom.

"Charli West see me after class," he said

I nodded.

"Okay class my name is Atlas I'll be your teacher for two months," he said writing his name on the board, "Depending on your schedules I will be in a majority of your classes," he said running his hands through his hair

~After Class~

I tried to sneak out with the crowd of kids swarming out of the classroom.

But instead, he dragged me three inches away from his face.

"Your real trouble for someone with such good grades," he said after some silence and still very close to me.

"But looking at your tests I see erase marks...a lot of them," he told me

All I could do was nod.

Now his lips were two inches from mine.

"Can you step back?" I managed to mutter out of my mouth

"Sorry," he muttered

"That's a ship!" Jessica said from the hallway with Jason next to her looking shocked.

"There's a party tonight. I want the three of you to come there," he said running his hands through his hair.

"And Jess," he said while I was halfway out of the door, "Marco will be there," he said with a smirk.

I wiggled my brows as her face turned pink.

"What's up with you and him?" Jason asked in a low voice

I kissed his cheek and told him nothing.

I looked at my schedule and realized Atlas was teaching all of the classes.


Charli's POV

The classes were hell.

All Atlas did was stare ad smirk at me.

Jason was supposed to be my lab partner, but Atlas wanted me to do a different experiment with him.

"Now put one drop of iodine into the formula," Atlas said as my hands were shaking

"Done," I told him after some silence

The concoction fizzled up.

"Good job," he said smiling, "A-plus," he said hugging me

He stared into my eyes.

I quickly push away, "Can I go see how Jason and his partner are doing?" I ask in a sigh

"Sure," he mutters

In one motion I get up and go to Jason.

"Do you like him?" Jason asks before I can say Hello.

"I just met him," I told him

"Sorry," he mutters

"Meet me near the Janitors room after class," I told him

He nodded.

~After Class~

Storm's POV

I took my hair out of the ponytail I had it in and fluffed it up.

Then out of nowhere Jason came from behind me and hugged me.


I turn around.

"Don't make me regret this Jase," I tell him after some silence.

"I won't," he says in a low whisper.

I kiss him.

He doesn't hold back.

He pushes me into the Janitors closet.

I push away.

"Jase," I say after gathering some air, "We're too young," I tell him

"Sorry," he told me running his hands through his hair.

"Don't be," I said hugging him as he kissed my head.

As we walked out of the Janitors closet.

Some of the guys who were looking at me in class earlier had a scowl on their faces when they saw my hand clasped in Jason's hand.

"What tea happened," Jess said as she sat at the table for lunch.

"I kissed Jason," I told her.

She had a shocked expression on her face.

"I meant with Atlas," she said

My face turned pink.

"I just did a different experiment with him. While the rest of the class did another one," I tell her eating my ramen.

"Then he stared into her eyes like he was about to kiss her," Jason said eating his salad.

"Ramen?" I offer to Jason

"Sure," he told me as I put some Ramen into his empty bowl, "Thanks," he said kissing my cheek.

"My ship is still gonna sail," Jessica said eating her sandwich

"It isn't going to you fat wh-"

"Jason!" I said before he could finish the sentence.

"He is right though," I told her, "No way in hell am I going to date him," I told finished.

Just then Atlas came to the table.

"Date who," he said offering us some gum.

Jason, Jessica, and I took some.

"You," Jason said in a stern voice.

I cover my face with hair and Jessica slapped Jason in the back of his head.

"Why not," he asked, "Your nice, funny, short and cute," he started, "and I'm nice, smart and everything you need Jason to be," he said with a smirk.

I rub my temples.

"You missed out the part where I'm a Freshman and your a Senior," I told him, "Not to mention it's against the law,"

"Still coming to the party tonight right?" he asked changing the subject

We nodded.

"And Charli," he said as we were getting up, "I am the Law," he said as I laughed.

~At the Party~

Charli's Pov

The party was nice.

A few Juniors and Seniors were checking me out.

Or they were wondering why the hell is a Freshman here.

Emma, who is friends with Atlas, was very nice to Jason, Jessica, and me.

Then Atlas pulled me aside.

"Need something Atlas?" I ask him trying not to breathe too much of the alcohol.

"Can any of your friends drive," he asked almost losing his balance.

"No," I answer in a sigh, "Emma can," I finished.

"Don't get mad," he said as his voice squeaked.

"For wh-," I started before he kissed me.

I heard a glass drop behind me.

I pushed away and turned around in one motion. Jason.

He shook his head and walked away. Then Atlas pulled me in again and kissed me. I pushed away and ran after Jason.

"Jason," I said when I found him, "He kissed me," I told him in a low whisper.

"Charli why don't I believe you?" he asked.

I was shocked.

"Jason.." I managed out of my mouth after some silence.

"Please I just got you back," I told him

"No," he said after five minutes, "I don't believe you," he muttered.

"Why," I asked him, "Even when I believe she kissed you. Even though that was a lie. Even though you liked her and that kiss," I told him wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Charli I just don't believe you," he told me before he left.

Charli's POV

When Jason left I feel hands around my waist.

"I wasn't drunk Charli," Atlas whispers in my ear

I turn around as he sees my face stained with tears.

"Charli I'm sorry," he said wiping my tears, "I didn't know,"

"It's fine," I muttered trying to hold back more tears

He leans in and kisses me again.

I didn't push away.

"If he didn't believe you," Atlas stared after some time, "He didn't truly love you," he finished.

I hugged him tightly. "Can I go home?'' I ask him.

"Sure," he told me kissing me head.

The car ride was silent.

"Wanna come to my place instead?" he asked me

I nodded and got my phone out to text my aunt.

After the car ride, I stared up at the big mansion Atlas called his house.

"Your rich?" I ask him still looking up as I walk into the house

"My step-dad is," he told me

"Well, Well," he voice boomed behind me, " didn't expect you to bring a girl back here," he said looking at me

"What's your name?" he asked me stepping closer

"Charli, I told him, "Who are you?" I asked him after some silence

"Before he answers that," Atlas jumped in ''He is a pervert Charli I suggest you be careful," he told me as I nodded

"Who are you?" I ask him again

"I'm Hunter," he tells me, "Atlas's brother,"

"Are you in college?" I ask him,

"No," he answers, "Just a different High School," Hunter said as he pulled me closer and kissed me.

"I'm a freshman," I muttered as I let me go

"Doesn't phase me," he said as he kissed me again

"Weirdos," Atlas said as he watched us

I pushed Hunter away and kissed Atlas.

"Happy?" I ask him,

"Very," he says happily

"God," I groaned, "You taste like alcohol," I told him gagging

"Charli?" Someone to my left asked,

"Hey, Marco," I told him waving

He wiggles his eyebrows, "You three have fun," he says as my face turned pink.

Just then Atlas lifted me the stairs as Hunter followed behind.

~In the morning~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Charli's POV

I woke up with a start and stare at Atlas and Hunter on the two sides of me.

"Hey Charli," Hunter said

"Did know?" I asked him with my face red.

"Yeah," he said hugging me

"Did we use the thing?" I asked him again

"Yeah," he said again kissing my neck

"Was it your first time?" He asked me.

I nodded

"Explains why you were loud," he said smirking

I roll my eyes.

Then I feel Atlas hugging my bareback.

"Ready for another round?" he asked me smirking

"I thought Hunter was the pervert,' I told him with my face red.

Then Hunter got up and looked out the window of his room.

"Shit," he says, "Mom and Dad are home.

Charli's POV

I hurried out of the bed to get my clothes on.

Then the three of us went downstairs where Marco and their parents were.

"Wait," I whispered, "What's your last name?" I asked Hunter in a low voice.

"King," he mouthed as I cleared my throat

"Good morning Hunter and Atlas," the maid said, "Your parents are in the kitchen

"Thanks, Brenda," They both said together

We walked into the kitchen.

Then they stopped.

"Charli," Atlas started, "My mom isn't typical about me bringing girls who aren't cheerleaders or who aren't popular home," he said, "Just ignore her if she says something rude," he said as I nodded.

"Good morning Hunter and Atlas," their dad said, "and who is this young one?'' he asked referring to me

"I'm Charli," I said extending my hand.

He took it as I sighed with relief.

"Are you Hunters girlfriend or Atlas's?" he asked as my face heated up

"She mine," Hunter and Atlas said in unison.

"Good morning kids," their mom said walking into the room as her freshly curled hair bounced on her head.

"Who's she?" she asked after staring at me

"I'm Charli," I said again extending my hand.

She ignored it.

"Are you a cheerleader or are you popular?" she asked making her coffee

"No ma'am," I said in a low voice.

"Oh," she said in a high pitched mickey mouse voice, "What do you do then?" she asked me

"I do Track and field and boxing," I started, "I have five gold medals in each," I finished hoping she would be surprised

"That's nice dear," she said sipping her coffee, "Are you Hunters or Atlas's girlfriend," she asked as I hoped it was the last question

"She's mine," they said again in unison.

"Is that Hunters clothes?" she asked after some silence,

"No ma'am," I answer again, "It's my clothes," I finished as her eyes widened.

"I think she looks good in an over-sized plaid jacket and ripped jeans," Hunter said with a smirk

"I agree," Atlas joins in, "the ripped jeans just have to be tight," he said looking at my ass.

"When did my step-sons become perverts?" Mr. King said

"We learned it from you," Atlas said smirking

I checked my watch.

"I have to go," I said in a polite manner, "Nice meeting you guys,''

I said waving.

"I'll drop you off home and get you some breakfast," Hunter said, "you coming Atlas?" he asked

"Sure," he said staring at me.

Instead of going to Dunkin Donuts, they pulled up to a private property.

"I own it," Hunter said pushing me gently into the back seat.

Then he pulled me onto his lap and kissed me.

He stopped.

"Do you want this?" he asked me looking into my green eyes.

I nodded as he continued to kiss me and made his way down to my neck.

The Atlas pulled me onto his lap and did the same.

~Later~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I stayed in the back with Hunter while Atlas drove us to Dunkin Donuts.

Hunter pulled me back on his lap and kissed me.

And didn't stop.

After for what seemed like forever he put me back in the empty seat next to him.

"Guys," I said after some silence, "I'm still a freshman and next year both of you will be in college," I said quickly in one breath.

"Charli we don't care about that," Hunter said after some time, "We like you and want you at the end of the day that's all that matters to us," he finished squeezing my hand.

"Kay," I said in a weary voice

~Later Latte U-U~

Charli's POV

Atlas, Hunter, and I enter my small house, to see my uncle drinking.

"Who the hell are these people?" he asked almost falling down

"My friends," I answered calmly

He walked up to them and stared them in the eyes.

Then did the same to me.

But slapped me.

Tears fell from my eyes but I didn't make a sound. I was just use to it.

"Didn't I tell you not to bring people to my fucking house?" he asked me

"Unc," I said, "Your drunk," I finished

"I don't give two shits," he said, "answer my question," he said as he sat back down

"Yes you did," I said with my voice low.

"Then why are they here?" he asked,

"To make sure I got in the house safe," I said thankful that my voice was strong.

He slapped me again but harder. "How many times do I have to say to you," he said pronouncing each syllable, "Nobody cares for you," he finished.

My heart sank. I felt the air as if he was about to hit me again.

When I looked up I saw Hunters hand around my uncle's wrist.

"Call 911 Atlas," Hunter said, "Your living with us Charli," he finished as Atlas pulled me into his arms.

This is what actual love felt like.

Charli's POV

It was days later after Hunter and Atlas came to my house. My Aunt lost custody of me, and Unc was arrested.

Hunter's and Atlas's parents got custody of me but didn't adopt me. Instead, I just live in their house.

I woke up with a start with Hunter to my left and Atlas to my right.

I shift in the bed trying now to wake them up.

But I wake Hunter up.

"What's wrong?" he askes as he sits up straight, "another nightmare?" he asked in a low voice as he pulls me into a hug.

"Yeah," I tell him after some time

"What your uncle did was bad Charlie," he started with a sigh, "He deserves the life sentence he got," he told me stroking my cheek

I look up at him into his vibrant silver eyes.

"I just feel like it's my fault sometimes," I told him as he started to kiss my neck.

He paused, "It's never your fault Char," he said as he continued.

He lifts my chin and kisses me as he puts his arms around my waist bringing me closer.

Then he takes the blanket off me and pulls me onto him.

"Charli," Hunter stated, "Please remember that your safe with us," he finished off.

"Okay," I managed to slip out of my mouth, "Thanks for everything Hunter," I tell him hugging him tightly.

"Of course," he told me, "Are you gonna sleep on top of me?" he asks with a smirk

"If you want me too," I answer him as I felt the heat radiate from my face.

"I like the position," he says as he puts his hand on my ass.

"Pervert," I mutter, "Night Hunter," I tell him with a yawn

"Good night Charlie," he says with a kiss on my head.

~In the morning~

Charli's POV

I wake up to someone rubbing my ass. When I get my bearings I looked up and saw Hunter sitting still as he watched my ass be rubbed.

"Who,-" I try to say but Hunter kisses me.

"Shhh," Atlas says

I moan between each movement.

Then Atlas sits next to Hunter on the bed.

"Perverts," I mutter as Hunter sits up.

Then I get pulled onto Atlas's lap.

I cuddle him as his hands make his way back down to my ass.

I kiss him.

"Hunter told me about last night," Atlas said breaking the silence

"You okay?" he asks me a he strokes my head.

"Yeah," I tell him, "He talked some sense into me," I finish off still holding on to him tightly.

"Good," he told me after he kissed my head, "We love you," he told me.

"But," Atlas joined in, "You have to choose," he told me as his voice cracked.

My heart sank.

"Can we just get some food?" I ask them getting off of Hunter.


Charli's POV

As I left the bathroom from my shower, I see Atlas and Hunter arguing.

"Why did you tell her she has to choose?!" Hunter asked Atlas throwing his fists in the air

"We both know it had to be soon," Atlas yelled back

"Stop fighting," I tell them, "I'm going to choose over some time. It's gonna be long though," I mutter

"It's one or none Char," Atlas said in a low voice

"Just know I love you both," I say with a sigh

Like Atlas said, It's one or none.

Author Notes: Watch out for the next series :P
It feels so long since I posted. But 🍑 I just posted the finale with this. ...
Anyway erm...
People are asking me if I want to be an author when I'm older. Yeah no, for some reason I don't wanna be an author I guess I just don't like the attention or whatever.
Bye U-U

-awkward silence-
#BlackLivesMatter ✊🏽

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About This Story
2 Jul, 2020
Read Time
16 mins
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5.0 (2 reviews)

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