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All Is Well With You And Your World
All Is Well With You And Your World

All Is Well With You And Your World


The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Twenty-One

Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm – Part One

The following is the essence of several messages from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that landed in my inbox over that past few days from the White Eagle Lodge. The first one relates to something that appeared in ‘White Eagle on Festivals and Celebrations’: ‘The foundation of the greatest works in the whole of Creation, not merely on the earthly plane, is love. Human love is dear to all human hearts, but spiritual love is something quite different. Loving that way widens people’s horizons and lifts their whole being above the earthly plane. The more you respond to your true higher nature God or Christ nature, the more your love evolves into the Universal variety. On any plane of life, there exists nothing more powerful than love and that applies whether it expresses itself in material gifts or serving activities. Love cannot help creating something good and beneficial; it never loses its power to do so.

‘The more you not only feel love for individuals, the whole of humankind and your world, but also do your best to express it in some form, the more you are contributing to raising the vibrations of your world. Love transforms everything that exists in the whole of Creation, on the outer material plane as well as its inner spiritual counterpart. As soon as you love people and everything that happens in your world totally and unconditionally, because you understand why it is happening, you are loving the way God loves everything that exists in the whole of Creation. This is the only thing that, in the fullness of time, can and will not only save and redeem humankind and all other manifestations of life that share your world.

‘We advise all of you never to stop loving and giving to whatever comes your way, so that eventually loving vibrations fill your whole being and not merely your heart, flow through you and bring blessing and healing energies to wherever they are needed in other parts of Creation. This is as true for your world as it is for ours. And so, with love filling your whole being never forget to give thanks and praise for the wisdom and love of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ who, in close co-operation have always brought everything into being and taken good care of it. This will forever continue, in spite of the many false beliefs with which your world’s old religions used to feed humankind and for a long time managed to succeed convincing your world’s masses that they are literally true.

‘Refuse to sit in judgement over those who ever took part in this. Do not condemn them because every one of those who are presently taking part in earthly life are likely to have done so and that not only once, but in the course of many lifetimes. The lying, cheating and deceptions of past ages, as well as that which is still taking place, happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth. That’s why humankind had to be kept away from it for a certain predestined period. But the deeper your world penetrates into the age of truth, the more of you are going to find out that humankind’s earthly existence never was a one-off affair, at the end of which everybody is snuffed out like a candle. Nothing could be further from the truth!

‘Humankind’s true home is our realm, the world of spirit or light. Every one of you, without exception, returns to it as soon as the purpose of one of your many earthly lifetimes has been fulfilled, i.e. lessons have been learnt and some of your karmic debts redeemed. Closing humankind’s earthly consciousness against finding out the truth about almost anything happened in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, the soul memories of every one of you would eventually be filled with a sufficient amount of false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. The most essential aspect of this is the tale that an all-male God-head, without its natural feminine counterpart, rules your world as well as the whole of Creation.

‘Next in line is the false story of Heaven and hell. God and the Angels gave it to your world temporarily for the times when the going became too tough for people’s liking on the earthly plane, during the patriarchy. Had it been commonly known what really awaits every one of you at the end of each lifetime, too many earthlings would have chosen to leave behind their earthly existence by committing suicide. It successfully stopped the majority of people from leaping off earthly life’s edge like lemmings throwing themselves into the sea. Why should anyone put up with that when a better and more peaceful world is waiting? It stands to reason that the greater freedom of the spirit realm can be enjoyed much more when, for getting around, you no longer need the cumbersome burden of a physical body that’s in need of being looked after and cared for by day and night.

‘The soul memories of those lifetimes are stored in the subconscious of anyone who took part in the patriarchal events, and that’s about everybody who is presently sharing the earthly plane with you. The fear of death and the unknown are the main yoke around humankind’s neck. The best news we are bringing you today is that the iconoclastic powers of the Uranian energies, for quite some time by now have been occupied with assisting humankind to smash every one of its yokes of oppression and exploitation to smithereens. What’s still left of them is guaranteed to follow, in God’s time, i.e. when the energies are right. In truth, there is nothing to be afraid of and much to be looked forward to, and that not only for a few chosen people but every one of you.

‘And that takes us back to the concepts of Heaven and hell. They never were places anyone ever went to. They are states of consciousness every one of you has always been capable of creating, for yourself and your world. What’s widely known there as Heaven is not ‘out there’ somewhere; it’s the innermost aspect of everyone’s own being. And when your world’s outer plane has become like its inner spiritual counterpart, the outer will be as peaceful a place as the inner, where honesty and truth are the supreme rulers. The more people respond to the hopes and dreams of their higher God or Christ nature, in the process of overcoming and leaving behind the drives and urges of their lower earthly selves, you yourselves quite naturally will be bringing about Mother Earth’s new golden age.

‘No-one was ever able to stop humankind’s evolutionary progress, individually and collectively. Everything that’s ever happened on the earthly plane has been an essential aspect of its growing and evolving process which necessitates constant changes. Because of God’s Universal laws, first in line those of love and evolution, nothing in your world or anywhere else in the whole of Creation could ever remain static. The development of you and your world is similar to that of plants. Like them, every human being has to grow and only with the passing of time, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, can each one slowly but surely discover and then unfold ever more aspects of their whole being. Every human being is like a flower whose buds cannot remain closed forever.

‘In the process of living and existing for every one of you constant changes of form and being are necessary. That’s why you reappear in one lifetime after another and each time take on a different role in the great tragic-comedy of earthly life that will help you cope with the earthly school of life’s lessons. In one of their coming lifetimes your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are going to be part of the older and more experienced generation. It will then be their turn of being on the receiving end of what they are so thoughtlessly and generously pouring into your world, these days. And that’s how another great educational circle will be closing.

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9 Aug, 2021
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