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All Of Life Is Flowingness
All Of Life Is Flowingness

All Of Life Is Flowingness

1 Review

I trust God’s great plan of life
And the small one for me within it.
They are clear evidence how
All of life is flowingness
And that in this flowing,
There is meaning and law.
There is no need to worry because
I cannot lose, what is my own.
I need not seek, what is my own,
For what belongs to me, will come.
Whatever goes does not belong to me
And only what I am has power.

I give up my personal struggles and ambitions
And rest safely in the knowledge that
Everything that’s rightfully mine
Will always be drawn to me.
Therefore, I now let go
And put my hands into the loving hands
Of God and the Angels.
I trust the guidance I intuitively receive from them,
And the love and wisdom of the Highest,
To run my life for me
And to show me the way, now and forever.


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To everything there is a season,
And a time for every purpose under the Sun:
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time
To pluck up that which has been planted.

That’s how God and the Angels,
In the course of life’s journey
Forwards and upwards on
The evolutionary spiral of life,
Are making everything beautiful,
In God’s time, not ours.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Edited by Aquarius

There is never a question of whether we are guilty of something or not. And that’s because every human being, whatever level their education has reached at any given moment, is a pupil or student in the great school of earthly life. At the same time we are all actors on the great stage of cosmic life who is playing a certain role, each time only for a predestined length of time. At the end of each earthly lifetime we cast off the costume of the personality for that particular occasion. We return to humankind’s true home, the world of spirit or light. When we have rested there sufficiently from the stresses and strains of our most recent earthly adventures, we consult the wise ones in charge of our education. Together we consider which kind of a role would bring us most beneficial learning during our coming earthly sojourn.

Every one of us is in truth a young God in the making and although nobody ever forces us to do anything, the initial part of our education consists of taking part in every one of the lessons of the earthly school of life and that is compulsory. During our intervals in the spirit realm, we are once more aware of our true nature. We know that every lifetime on the earthly plane serves a wise higher purpose and that, if we ever wish to reach the end of our curriculum there, it’s best to apply for another lifetime as soon as possible. Having attended every one of that school’s lessons is an essential aspect of every human being’s equipment. Without it we would not be able to deal satisfactorily with life on the higher and eventually highest planes. It would be impossible to reach our final destiny of evolving into one of the Masters of the Christ Circle.

Updated January 2022

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1 Feb, 2022
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