Aquarius : The Voice Of God
AquariusLooking At The Year 2020 – Part Forty-Six
There’s None So Blind . . .
The Aquarian age of truth has brought us the knowledge that the Divine Trinity has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights. Their supreme rulership will forever continue. They are in everything and everything is part of them, the highest as well as the lowest aspects of life and also of humankind’s nature. Aquarius represents the voice of God and the deeper we and our world move into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the clearer it becomes that the ultimate purpose of the lifetimes we spend in the earthly school of life is to first discover and then start bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the highest and noblest qualities. Even though at first they only exist in seed form, at least potentially they are part of every human being’s character make-up.
Jesus is one of the many symbolisms that God and the Angels from time to time presented to our world in the form of a legend. The intention behind all these tales has always been that, each in its own way, should gradually bring us closer to comprehending every human being’s own higher nature. All of us, without exception, once started our earthly existence as a minute spark of light in the heart of the physical body that was given to us. Every subsequent lifetime has taken us forward into experiencing earthly life through the window of another astrological sign and/or house of the zodiac. That’s how, each through their own experiences, slowly evolves and grows in wisdom and understanding of their own nature and the world around them. On this evolutionary journey every spark’s actual light increases and so does the light of its knowledge. In the course of its earthly lifetimes every human being is constantly adding to its own store of knowledge. At the same time we are feeding into that of all humankind and the whole of Creation.
This is how slowly but surely, progress is made on the road that takes all of us, individually and collectively, up the spiritual mountain. By the time its top has been reached, we earthlings have evolved into a Christed one, in our own right. Jesus represents this part of our nature and the story of his life depicts the initiations all of us, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, have to undergo and that for a long without being aware of what’s happening to us. Our lower nature’s drives and urges need to be given up and nailed to the cross of our earthly existence. As we leave ever more of them behind, one small step after another, our God or Christ nature slowly but surely takes over our whole being. The dying man on the Christian cross is a symbol of what happens to our animal nature. When it bleeds to death and breathes its last, our Christ nature can take over completely.
As sparks of the Great Light and young Gods in the making, the same powers and characteristics that are in God are also in every human being, but at first merely in seed form. A major turning developmental point has been reached when the negative aspects of every sign of the zodiac have been experienced so much that they have become part of our character make-up. The earthly self’s Divine spark then starts to focus on exploring and developing the positive qualities of one sign after the other.
The birth of the Christ child is a metaphor for this turning point. The infant in the manger represents our higher nature. The animals are a metaphor for its counterpart, our lower animal nature, who hasn’t a clue about what’s happening. Once more the Bible’s St. John 1:5 comes to mind: ‘And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not.’ The more the characteristics of our higher nature manifest themselves in our thoughts, words and actions, the more our lower nature’s negative qualities are absorbed. The Christian cross is humankind’s oldest symbol for its earthly existence.
On the inner level all life is one and there is no separation between anything. The whole of humankind is one big family in which every one is a sibling who has the same rights and duties as everybody else. In the school of earthly life all of us simultaneously are students and teachers. Viewed from the higher spiritual perspective, everybody is our friend and in truth there never were any enemies, merely teachers. Those who show us through their behaviour how we do not want to be, are our best friends of all, as each in their own inimitable manner is helping us to bring forth and develop the characteristics of our higher nature.
The ultimate purpose of the earthly school’s curriculum always has been and forever will be bringing forth, each from deep within their own inner being, the highest, best and noblest qualities. As part of our higher God or Christ nature, they consist of total and unconditional love, patience with and tolerance towards the younger and less evolved siblings in the human family, as well as kindness and goodwill towards all manifestations of life. God always has been and forever will be everybody’s best friend. As on the highest levels of life there is no class distinction, it’s not surprising that the age of Aquarius is bringing us a new age of friendship, equality and siblinghood with all life. With this the time has come for transforming all our relationships, especially difficult and traumatic ones, into friendships. Understanding our own nature and theirs, the higher purpose and meaning of humankind’s earthly existence and the pathway which, at least for a while, we have been walking together, makes this task easier.
The Aquarian age has brought us the realisation that God is not and never was a force somewhere ‘out there’. It is an inner experience and on that level we are neither woman nor man but androgynous. This is because all opposing forces, like the highest and the lowest, light and darkness, as well as the feminine and masculine aspects of our nature. They are equal partners and, when employed the right way, they complement each other. In us they can only function properly when they have been trained by us to work together, peacefully and harmoniously, the way they are doing in God.
Each time we leave another physical body behind at the end of another lifetime, all earthly things are shed and that includes the identity as woman or man. Once again we are then fully aware that in truth we are an eternal and immortal spirit/soul, who can and will never die. We know that we do not need other people to make us whole, even though in earthly life it frequently seems that way, because on the inner level we have always remained whole. The chains and shackles that tie us together in human relationships from one earthly lifetime to another are of an emotional karmic nature. Even though these bonds are invisible to earthly eyes, they are as strong as if they were made of cast-iron. There is only one way of dissolving them and that is through forgiveness. First we need to forgive ourselves for causing, either earlier in this lifetime or a past one, the suffering difficult and traumatic relationships inflict upon us. The next step is forgiving all those who ever hurt and wounded us with their thoughts, words and/or actions.
Irrespective of what may still have to befall us and our world because of remaining karmic debts, all human beings are beloved children of the Highest. We and our world will forever be guided and, when the need for it arises, protected by the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle. They are supported by many groups of helpers on all levels of the spirit realm. As before God all are equal and there is no distinction between anyone, in the course of the Aquarian age discrimination and class systems will disappear. All of us are sister/brothers in the great family of humankind. Everybody has equal rights and is equally treasured and loved, totally and unconditionally, without judgement, reservations or preferences.
Nobody is better than anyone else and because in truth God is everybody’s best friend, everybody is also our friend, even though for a long time we are unaware of this. The main laws of life being love and evolution, i.e. evolution based on love, are living proof that our Divine parents have always had nothing but our best in mind and this will forever continue. This knowledge is the most helpful tool we need for transmuting, hand in hand with God and the Angels, not only Covid-19 but all types of dangerous and harmful influences into beneficial ones that strengthen and heal the immune systems of anyone who is affected by them, human and animal alike.
Learning how to love God’s way is the main purpose of our earthly education. Its curriculum has been mastered when our thinking and behaviour patterns show the wise ones in charge of us that we really have evolved into a Christed one in our own right. We then truly are a young God in the making who is worthy of the high and holy destiny that in the fullness of time is in store for every human being. The time then has come for us to thank and praise the Highest for allowing us access to the knowledge that everybody is an equal partner in the great scheme of life and that nobody has a God-given right to dominate and/or exploit anyone. Doing so creates debit entries in people’s spiritual bank account which, and that could be hundreds of lifetimes away, will have be redeemed by none other than those who are responsible.
With the realisation that God is in everything and that everything is in God and part of God, the highest as well as the lowest of what exists anywhere, the teachings of the old religions die a natural death and fade away. This creates the necessary space for the Aquarian religion. Its spiritual nature invites all of us to reach out for and help each other, instead of dominating and exploiting the way our world’s troublemakers would like to continue in the footsteps of the old religions. Because we and our world are constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral, this is no longer in tune with Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist. It is bringing us the end of all kinds of slavery, especially of the religious kind. Now that honesty and truth are taking ever more over as our world’s true rulers, dominating the masses and exploiting their resources for selfish gains through fear are no longer allowed by those in charge of us. Thanks and praise be to them!
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