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Astrology : The Divine Teaching Aid
Astrology : The Divine Teaching Aid

Astrology : The Divine Teaching Aid


Nothing But The Truth : The Whole Truth

My Kind Of Astrology – Part Two

As many of you know by now, the Aquarian age is the age of truth. It is the age in which ever more of the Divine truth will flow directly from the minds of those on the Highest levels of life into any earthly mind that is tuned into their frequencies. That mind always has been every human being’s own receiver/transmitter station for the ideas that are constantly pouring onto the earthly plane from God and the Angels.

Saturn and Uranus are the planetary co-rulers of Aquarius. Saturn represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of your Divine parents. And that is the guardian and keeper of the Aquarian age’s freedom. You cannot enter it unless Saturn approves of your behaviour. When this has been achieved, the role of the Saturnian energies turns from those of the schoolmaster into that of the rewarder. When these rewards arrive, they are well worth having. At the same time, the Uranian energies providing every one of you with the iconoclastic power of smashing to smithereens anything that’s no longer of use and value to you personally and the whole of humankind and your world.

At the present time, one of the most essential aspects of this process is getting rid of the belief that Jesus was a historical person who once walked in your midst. The time has come for knowing and accepting that the God-man represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. The higher esoteric meaning behind the surface words of the Jesus tale has always been a picture-book type description of the initiations that every human being experiences during the first part of its long evolutionary journey. For every human being the first part consists of many lifetimes attending the earthly school of life’s lessons.

Every one of you was conceived immaculately. This means that untouched by anything earthly, you first emerged as an idea from the heartmind of the Great Father. He wished that yet another spark of the Universal Christ’s light should be planted into the heart of a new beloved child of the Earth. The love and wisdom of the Great Mother decided where and when this child should come into being. As a spark of the Divine, in truth every human being, without exception, is a young God in the making. All of you, each one on a somewhat different level, are spending the first part of their apprenticeship as a physical being in the world of matter.

The Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, are serving the will and wishes of the Great Father as well as the love and wisdom of the Great Mother. They are the ones who decide when the gift of another earthly lifetime should be granted to one of you, where and when it should come about and with whom it would best be spent. The education in the earthly school of life has run its course for you when the drives and urges of your lower nature have freely and willingly been surrendered to your higher God or Christ nature.

Everything that is bad, evil and ugly in every one of you needs to be nailed to the cross of your earthly existence. These characteristics have to be shed gradually and left behind, once and for all, so that with the passing of time your God or Christ nature can take over your whole being. This is what the symbolism of the God-man bleeding to death on the cross has always been trying to tell you. The cross is humankind’s oldest symbol for its earthly existence.

For helping you to understand the processes of Creation, of life in general and the purpose of every human being’s evolutionary pathway, there could be no better instrument than astrology. It has had a poor reputation and a bad press for far too long, because it has been and still is widely used as for fortunetelling. The more you become aware of how the Universal laws are affecting life in the whole of Creation, therefore also every individual human being, the whole of humankind and your world, the more your wish to peer into the future shrinks away.

The first and most important law in this connection is that of cause and effect of Karma. All Universal laws are very simple, like all truly great ideas. As soon as you start sending only that which is good, right and beautiful into your world, nothing but more of the same can in due course return to you. That’s what it will do, as soon as your existing karmic debts have been redeemed – by none other than you. When that’s been understood, there really is nothing to be afraid of earthly life and a great deal to look forward to. And because love and evolution are the first laws of Creation, from which all others laws branch out, many pleasant surprises are sure to eventually find their way to you.

It was the combined wisdom and love of the Great Father/Mother that, millions of Earth years ago, brought your world’s planetary system into being. The evolutionary plan for you and your planet provided that in the fullness of time – during the Aquarian age of truth to be precise – astrology would reveal itself as the Divine science. New ways of using it would then be developed that will help you to discover many aspects of the truth that, due to humankind’s lack of understanding up to that time had to remain hidden from common view and knowledge.

Mother Earth was never destined to remain a valley of tears forever. This state will only continue for as long as enough of you are still willing to be led by their noses, like sheep to the slaughter, who believe that the lies and deceptions of those at the helm of your world’s organisations are the truth. To break the spell they appear to be holding on your world to this day, people need ever more spiritual knowledge. Yet, the knowledge on its own is not enough. Without understanding its meaning and then applying what you have learnt to every one of your daily encounters, you cannot gain from it and it will not become your spiritual property that you can take with you into Eternity. It’s the only thing you can take with you, each time you depart from the earthly plane. No-one will ever want to take it from you.

The Aquarian age has already brought you the truth about who and what God truly is, who and what you are and what kind of relationship every human being has always had with its Divine parents. From the beginning of time on the Earth, God’s great evolutionary plan for you and your world has decreed that a high and holy destiny is in store for every human being and that many good things will always be waiting for every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world.

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2 Mar, 2021
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