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Bringing Out The Best Or Worst
Bringing Out The Best Or Worst

Bringing Out The Best Or Worst


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Eleven

The Sagittarian Angel continues: Every legend that God and the Angels gave to your world God was presented from a somewhat different perspective. That’s why every one of the religions that appeared around the new legends thought of their Divinity as something superior to that of all existing belief system. This belief gradually separated the people of your world more and more from each other. In their blindness and intolerance each new religion provided them with fresh reasons for committing acts of violence and warfare against those who ware declared to be non-believers. Following the age-old motto: ‘Und willst du nicht mein Bruder sein, so schlag ich dir den Schädel ein. – If you refuse to be my brother, I’ll smash your head!’ The revelation that in truth there is only one God had to wait until your world had moved sufficiently deep into the Aquarian age.

In the years 2019/2020 earthly life had reached the peak of materialism. To stop it from continuing on this pathway, humankind needed some kind of a wake-up call that would stir the Christ Spirit of ever more of you from its slumber. That is the wise higher reason behind the outbreak of mass hysteria over the Coronavirus. The present situation is creating time for people to come to their senses. Time and space for asking themselves questions like: ‘What’s the point in grabbing ever more material possessions, when every bit of them has to be left behind when my departure from earthly life has come? What will happen to me then? Where do I come from and where am I going to?

The more earthlings react in this way, the sooner God and the Angels will be able to return earthly life to its normal healthy functioning. It’s a time for waking up from the illusion that anyone on your plane has any real power, that it always has and forever will belong to the Highest Forces. Trust this power to rule your world with love, respect and compassion for the suffering of all its lifeforms. Have faith in the Divine justice that is so perfect that it is hard to imagine for earthly minds. This is because life everywhere is subject to God’s Universal laws, in particular the one that in your world is known as the law of cause and effect of Karma. It decrees that everything in due course must return to its source. That’s why whatever anyone projects into your world in thoughts, words and deeds unerringly has to find its way to its sender when the right moment has come.

Events like disasters of all kinds, natural and human made alike, times of war and famine as well as outbreaks like the present one, either bring out the best or the worst in you earthlings. The way someone reacts to the events around them reveals at any given time to those in charge of you and your world on the higher and highest levels of life, the true degree of their spiritual awareness. Your behaviour shows whether you are conducting your life in keeping with your beliefs or whether the spiritual knowledge that has come your way has remained superficial and is nothing but lip service.

As touched upon earlier, for the time being your world is still carrying the burden of your spiritually younger and less experienced siblings in the human family. So far they do not know any better than hurting, harming and exploiting your world’s precious resources for selfish gains and that through bringing suffering to the mass of people. Every kind and loving thought someone sends to these people adds to the light of their aura. That enables it to absorb some of the inner darkness they are projecting into your world. Every ray of light one of you sends their way penetrates the Divine spark within them and that helps it to stir from its slumbering state. Wise ones refuse to sit in judgement over these people because they realise that their sense of responsibility has not yet woken up. Knowing that they just can’t help themselves makes it easier for wise ones to forgive them.

We would love to hear more, but our time for leaving the halls of learning has come. We thank the Sagittarian Angel for having allowed us to take part in its lecture. When we express how sorry we are that we cannot stay any longer, the Angel responds with: It won’t be so long until you’ll be joining our world again as a resident. Having experienced the beauty and wonder of our world, I hope will enable you to willingly take the Angel of Death’s hand when it comes to tell you, one of these days, that your time for leaving the earthly school of life has come.

Please tell people that there is nothing to be afraid of when their time for leaving their physical body behind has come. This is where every one of you goes and there is nowhere else to go. Let them know that everybody is in need of healing when they arrive here. As soon as you have received it, you are ready to fully re-enter the state of once more being nothing but spirit/soul. Unencumbered by your earthly personality, your Guardian Angel takes you to those who are waiting to greet and welcome you. Then, if you so wish, it shows you around. You being old and experienced spirit/souls this will not be necessary because you have been here many times before at the end of previous earthly lifetimes. Having left your lower earthly self with its flaws and idiosyncrasies behind, you are once more fully who and what you truly are and forever will be, an eternal and immortal spirit/soul who is part of and at one with God.

The characteristics of your earthly personality are stored in your soul memories each time you leave the earthly plane. You are re-united with them each time you reincarnate into a new physical body. From the word ‘go’ these memories then influence you from the subconscious level of your being in positive as well as negative ways. For as long as you dwell with us in the spirit realm you are aware of your true nature, that you are an integral part of God’s Great Cosmic Plan and that God and the Angels have always and forever will be guiding and protecting you. This applies individually and collectively, as much in the finite physical world as in the infinite and eternal one of ours. Everything is known and taken care of by the all-embracing total and unconditional wisdom and love of the Great Mother and the will and power of the Great Father.

Our world is humankind’s true home, the place from which you emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime and to which you return as soon as its purpose has been fulfilled. Heaven and hell never were places anyone goes to. They are states of consciousness you yourselves create through your behaviour, the seeds you sow in every lifetime and the harvest the Universal laws return to you, as soon as you have matured sufficiently to cope with what comes your way. That’s all there is and it makes no difference which way you depart from the earthly plane, be it because of an accident, old age or an illness like the Coronavirus. Everything is part of God’s great plan and the small plan for your life within it. Wherever you are, you will always be safe and tenderly cared for. All your true needs will forever be attended to by God and the Angelic hierarchy and its countless groups of spirit guides and helpers.

And so good bye, dear Friends. I hope to see you again soon in our eternal Halls of Learning. It makes no difference to us whether you come as a visitor or resident. Any subject can be studied here and the scientific ones are always particularly popular because there still is such a lack of understanding of them in your world. Whenever you come, you will always be welcome! God bless you and keep you safe, forever.

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23 Apr, 2020
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