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Calling With Your Thoughts
Calling With Your Thoughts

Calling With Your Thoughts


White Eagle On The Power Of Thought – Part Six

The essence of a message from the White Eagle group of guides that appeared in ‘Memories of Reincarnation – White Eagle’s Work in the Present Day’: ‘On the inner planes thought is like a flash of light and instantaneous. On the outer plane, when a voice calls, your physical hearing responds. Call with your thoughts and watch how the mind life answers. Call from within your soul and there will always be a soul reply. In your thoughts project light to those around you. It is generated by the Healing Angels and if you work in unselfish ways, we transmit it to you to those who are in need of it. Any time you are sending loving thoughts to other souls, they will receive it as light and respond to it in some way. Naturally, this principle also applies to unpleasant thoughts and feelings.

‘God’s healing power illuminates human souls. It gradually permeates the physical bodies of those who are suffering and from there radiates outwards into their environment. However, this power should only be tapped into to heal the sick. If you do this for no other purpose and without any selfish motives like wishing to become known as a world famous healer, you will in time be able to cleanse your whole being of the poisons that have built up in your system. They were caused by the thinking patterns you developed in the course of many lifetimes. This process also clears your emotional or water body of the feelings that once were based on the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of the past. The water body houses your soul, the soft, sensitive and highly impressionable part of women and men alike. When its outstanding issues have been cleared up, you will be able to help, enlighten and strengthen those around you.

‘Know that no unselfish effort on anyone’s behalf is ever wasted. God’s will is that you learn how to love not only all human beings but everything else that shares your world with you. Therefore make an effort to constantly send loving thoughts of goodwill to humankind and your whole world. We, your guides in the spirit realm, have been called to work – for a long time unbeknown to you earthlings – on your minds and hearts. With the passing of the years, ever more individuals as well as the whole your race have moved beyond the darkest stages of that journey on the evolutionary spiral of life.

‘By now, the Christ nature of perfect sons/daughters of God who have integrated every aspect of their lower and higher nature is becoming increasingly powerful in your world. God, the Angels and we communicate with you through the living God within, the small still voice of your inner teacher or in-tuition. It knows the way of all things and the answers to any question you ever care to ask. Your inner guidance is the only guru in the whole of Creation who is utterly trustworthy and can be relied upon to tell you what is right or wrong for you at any given moment. It works with you through the world of your feelings. That’s why if something feels right to you, then it is for you – even though it may not be for anyone else.

‘It is also God’s will that you should learn how to love and respect yourself and everything that once was part of your life in the past, present and future. It was there for a wise higher purpose. And when at last you begin to overcome and leave behind the desires and urges of your lower self, your Christ nature awakes from its slumber and starts to manifest itself in your life in many beneficial ways. This kind of growth is every human being’s birthright and ever continuing spiritual evolution their destiny. Whatever you begin in your present lifetime, if need be you will be able to do so in the next one. And when no further earthly sojourns are necessary for you and you return to our world at the end of that particular lifetime, you will be able to decide whether you wish to work for and guide, inspire and bless humankind, the way we are doing with this.’

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20 Jul, 2020
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