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Christmas And Easter At The Same Time
Christmas And Easter At The Same Time

Christmas And Easter At The Same Time


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Seventy-Eight

‘Many have been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime so that, as the highlight of their earthly education, they can make a unique contribution to the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on the Earth. Through bringing forth, from deep within their own being, the best, highest and noblest qualities of their God or Christ nature, in the fullness of time even the last and slowest ones of you will evolve into one of your world’s saviours and redeemers.

‘Bringing forth and developing this aspect of their being is one of the initiations that every one of you, during their evolutionary journey in the course of many lifetimes takes part in. The pandemic represents two of these initiations for many individuals and also the whole of humankind and its world. 1) The birth of the Christ child is taking place in the younger, i.e. less highly evolved members of the family of humankind. 2) Those who are no longer giving in to the drives and urges of their lower nature, metaphorically speaking are nailing that aspect of their nature to the cross of their earthly existence. This is how, towards the end of their education in the earthly school of life, the Christ nature of every individual spirit/soul slowly emerges from the dark tomb of its spiritual ignorance and lack of understanding to the awareness of its true nature. From that point onwards, slowly but surely the Christ nature takes over that person’s whole being.

‘And this is how, allegorically speaking, Christmas and Easter for a while have simultaneously been taking place on your planet. Humankind’s lack of spiritual wisdom and understanding were the stone on the tomb of each individual and the whole of humankind. It is rolled away by the knowledge that for some time, in many different ways, has been flowing from the highest levels of life directly into the consciousness of those who are sufficiently evolved to understand our gifts. The way someone handles them shows us how ready that person is to receive more.

‘The natural flow of every human being’s spiritual development consists of the knowledge they find whilst travelling along the pathway of their earthly existence. This is how, in the course of many lifetimes, bit by bit the stone on top of the tomb in which everybody’s Christ nature at first is buried, is removed. This continues until the higher nature of their being has become strong enough to break through the hard shell of their earthly personality. This process is very similar to that of a chicken emerging from one of its mother’s eggs. She patiently sits on it, to protect and warm it, until her offspring is ready to appear.

‘To return to the pandemic for a moment, there is nothing new under the Sun in your world. Since the beginning of the patriarchy about six thousand years ago, systematically spreading fear has been the driving force behind satisfying the masculine lust for power, dominion and empire-building, with the help of taking away other people’s material possessions and resources. The end has always justified the means and any kind of propaganda machinery available was and is used. If they are unsatisfactory, new ones are invented. The pharmaceutical industry is merely following the example of many much older of your world’s traditions, especially religious ones. Walking in their footsteps through artificially and purposely creating a pandemic is the result in your time.

‘As pointed out in the chapter about gullibility, see relevant link at the end of this one, these methods were also used by the German Nazi party. The politician Paul Joseph Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945, was its Minister for Propaganda from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers. Nothing describes your world’s present dilemma better than the following Goebbels quote: ‘If you tell a lie that’s big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from its political, economic and/or military consequences. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State that is based on deceptions. The Nazi party proclaimed that its regime would last a thousand years. Fortunately, it was only around from 1933-1945. It ended with the total and unconditional surrender of Germany.

‘How do the pharmaceutical industry’s attempts at ruling your world through fear compare with this? It started fifteen years ago. The year 2005 saw the bird flu and therefore became known as the bird flu year. Across the globe, the fear of avian influenza caused government officials everywhere to place a higher priority on developing plans to deal with what was declared to be a pandemic influenza. This was followed by the Swine flu outbreak that lasted from 2009 to 2010. The virus was first identified in Mexico in April 2009. It became known as swine flu because it was similar to flu viruses that affect pigs. It spread rapidly from country to country because it was marketed as a new type of flu virus that few young people were immune to. The year 2014 saw the Ebola virus outbreak and again, in spite of the joined efforts of the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media of our world, no pandemic came about.

‘Rest assured, dear children of the Earth, that the Angels and I are not going to allow anyone, including the pharmaceutical industry’s fear mongering, to continue ruining your world’s economies. The main enemy that needs to be overcome at present is the darkness of humankind’s fears and anxieties of death and the unknown. All of them are caused by a lack of understanding of the processes of life and that’s something from which both leaders and followers of your world’s religions suffered. Their teachings were purpose designed to drum fear remorselessly into people. And that’s how every one of you has wound up carrying around the burden of fear. Some of them to this day are likely to still be buried in the deepest recesses of your soul memories. Each time you departed from the earthly plane, your soul memories accompanied you. You took them with you into every new lifetime, in the hope that during this one you would be able to overcome and leave them behind.

‘The time has come for treating all manifestations of life with love and compassion and that includes yourself. You need to forgive yourself and all others who created the need for the pandemic because of their outstanding karmic debts. Unaware of the severity of what you were doing and how your behaviour would affect you in, at that point, far distant earthly lifetimes, you took part in the old religions in one of two ways and that on many occasions. In some of them you enjoyed frightening people to death with tales that, unbeknown to you, were designed to affect people in this manner. Those in leading positions believed that the dreadful things described in their teachings would really happen to those who refuse to believe that they are literally true.

‘As ever, it was a case of the blind leading the blind and in the land of the blind the one-eyed is king. Because of their lack of understanding of the spiritual background of life and the laws that rule the whole of Creation, therefore also everything on the Earth, each king does not hesitate to exploit, to his heart’s content, the resources of those who are blind enough to believe what he tells them.

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8 Oct, 2020
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