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Christmas/New Year Message From God And The Angels
Christmas/New Year Message From God And The Angels

Christmas/New Year Message From God And The Angels


To The Whole Of Humankind In The Pandemic Years 2021/2

Beloved children of the Earth. Earthly life is but a place of learning, a school where everybody stays for a while and takes part in its lessons, because that is compulsory. In spite of that, nobody ever forces you to take part in anything, but without finishing the earthly curriculum, your energies will never allow you to start exploring the higher and eventually highest levels of life. At the end of each lifetime in physicality, you return to My realm, the spirit world. That is humankind’s true home from which every one of you emerges at the beginning of a new lifetime and returns to when it has run its course. Your physical body is a vehicle for getting around on the earthly plane for one lifetime only. When it has served this purpose, one of My Angels of Death takes your spirit/soul by the hand and returns them to the spirit world, to rest and recover from the stresses and strains of your earthly existence.

As soon as you feel strong enough, your desire for moving forwards and upwards on your personal evolutionary spiral begins to stir again. You realise that there is nothing for it but applying for another earthly lifetime and continue your quest for consciousness expanding adventures through which you will keep on growing in wisdom and understanding of My true nature, your own and the world around you. And that’s the reason why all of you are taking part in earthly life at present. Besides, everybody’s own development assists that of Mother Earth.

This is why, time and again, you apply for another earthly sojourn – in spite of the difficulties of that existence. You go for them because at that stage you know that wise ones are in charge of you in the spiritual background of your earthly existence, to whom you can turn for help and advice. And so, together with these wise ones, you decide where and with whom you are going to spend your next lifetime. You are not afraid of making mistakes, because you know that without them you would never learn anything.

Every one of you is a precious and unique being, a many faceted jewel, who is loved beyond compare by Me, your true parents, the great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights. Each one of you is a spark of this light. Nothing in your world is ever a coincidence, happens perchance or is an , but comes about for a wise higher purpose. Naturally, this also applies to the pandemic 2019/2020. It is an essential part of teaching you and your world the value of honesty and truth, the most essential qualities of everybody’s higher God or Christ nature.

All who are presently taking part in earthly life have been granted the gift of their present lifetime so they can take part in sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. Do not make the mistake of thinking of them as your enemies. They are merely your younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind, who have no idea what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, is bound to return to them – unless you, their older and more experienced siblings, are willing to help them.

Refuse to hate these people because thoughts, words and actions of hatred feed into the dark stream and increase its strength of bringing ever more darkness and evil into your world. Love and thought are the two most powerful forces in the whole of Creation. Together they are they key for unlocking all inner doors and the only thing that can save and redeem anyone. My great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation, as well as your world and every individual being within it, decrees that all human beings – in the course of many earthly lifetimes – should slowly but surely evolve into saviours and redeemers of themselves, the whole of humankind and your world.

Each one of you was created in My image, is a precious and unique being who is loved totally and unconditionally. This also applies to the executors of My plans, the Angels and Masters around My throne, the Christ circle. Nobody sits in judgment over anyone here because we know that every human being is a young God in the making, who is serving the first part of their apprenticeship on the earthly plane of life. When you have reached the end of your compulsory earthly education, you will have evolved into a Christed one, each in their own right, you understand that nobody on the earthly plane is your enemy. The impression you get there is a false one. It comes about because all of you are simultaneously playing the part of student and teacher in that school.

Every one of you is gifted in some special and unique way. And yet, all of you have one talent in common and that is evolving into healers and lightbringers, saviours and redeemers of yourselves, each other and your whole world. My Universal law of cause and effect or Karma ensures that whatever you put into life in due course returns to you. And that’s why any kind of bread you cast upon the waters of life in due course comes back to you. Therefore, if you help others, it appears for you in some mysterious way whenever you are in need of assistance yourself.

There are two streams of consciousness in your world, the same as throughout the whole of Creation: the Christ stream of light and it’s counterpart, the dark stream. The energies of both streams are neutral and merely complement each other. Know that everything that happens in your world in thoughts, words and deeds, feeds into one of these streams. Kind, loving and forgiving thoughts feed into the Christ light’s stream. They increase its strength and you can direct it to wherever you want it to go. When, guided and protected by the Angels and Me, enough of you keep sending such thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers, their Divine spark absorbs ever more of the light you are sending. This assists the spark’s development and when enough of you are sending this light, the offenders’ Christ nature begins to stir from its slumber and another Christ child is born on the earthly plane. And this time it’s not a myth or a legend like the Jesus story, but a real alive one. Hallelujah!

None of you is ever alone in earthly life. Behind its surface, on the inner spiritual plane, many groups of spirit friends and helpers are constantly observing what’s happening in your world and ready for anyone’s call for assistance. They are not allowed to interfere with you and your lives. That’s because every one of you has been granted the gift of making their own decisions of how to handle things and react to what comes your way. If you want our help, you have to ask for it. Otherwise it cannot come to anyone, even though you are as much part of us as we are of you because on the inner level of life there is no separation between anything and all is one. Your spirit friends are familiar with your difficulties because they too have spent many lifetimes on the earthly plane.

The essence of every human being is spirit/soul and, like Me, they are immortal and can never die. Created in My image, every one of you is a many faceted jewel who has been endowed with gifts and talents, which many of you have not yet discovered. Do not be afraid of looking for them. If you do not know how to go about anything, we are always waiting for your call so we can show you the way. In the whole of Creation there are no problems that, hand in hand with the Angels and Me, cannot be solved and no hurdles and obstacles that are impossible to overcome.

The question of guilt does not arise in our world. A thin veil of consciousness separates your world from ours. All on this side are aware that every human being is taking part in the compulsory lessons of earthly life and walking their predestined pathway, in keeping with my evolutionary plan for the whole of humankind and every individual within it. The development of every one begins with getting to know the lowest, meanest and darkest characteristics of your earthly personality. In the course of many lifetimes, every one of you steadily progresses forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral. The end of your earthly education has been reached, as soon as you have brought forth, from deep within your own being, the highest, best and noblest qualities of your God or Christ nature.

Know that it’s never too late for new beginnings and rest assured that whatever you and your world truly need, in the fullness of time will be given unto you. There’s a place for every one of you on the earthly plane as well as in My realm. If you are reading this, your time for going there has not yet come, because your world needs you right where you presently are. And no matter how dire any situation may appear to be on the surface of things, we are happy to show you intuitively how to proceed. So please do not hesitate to ask. Your friends and helpers in My world have been waiting for your call for a long, long time. Don’t disappoint them! Our love will always be with every one of you, especially those who do not yet know about our presence.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022, in spite of your world’s present state and yes, also because of it. After all, it’s with its help that ever more of you are waking up to the awareness of My true nature and theirs and the special relationship every one of you has always had with the Angels and Me. Our love has always been with you and your world, guiding and showing the way. Rest assured that this will forever continue. The whole of Creation rests safely in our loving hands, why should any one of you doubt that this is also true for you, the whole of humankind and your world? Our blessings are with you, at all times.

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31 Dec, 2021
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