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Correcting Our World’s Imbalances
Correcting Our World’s Imbalances

Correcting Our World’s Imbalances


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Thirty-Seven

There’s None So Blind . . .

Part Three

In keeping with God’s great plan of life, approx. six thousand years of patriarchy have been left behind and with it the age of Pisces, the age during which deception of the self and others, lying and cheating, dishonesty and corruption were our world’s supreme rulers. The polar opposites of those characteristics are those of the Aquarian Age. This is going to be time during which we and our world will conduct our lives according to the concepts of group consciousness, friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, not merely on our planet but the whole of Creation. They are the most essential aspects of this new age’s Zeitgeist.

The patriarchy was a time during which the energies of all-male religions ever more dominated the feminine principles. Fortunately, that was but one phase of humankind’s earthly education, even though in some parts of our world people are still struggling to overcome the imbalances that were created by this unnatural state. To shed some light into this dark corner of our existence, let’s take a closer look at the Bible’s St. John 1:5 ‘And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not.’ As we know by now, spiritually knowledge is light and not knowing is darkness.

The religion itself that developed around the Jesus legend was the darkness that as yet failed to recognise that the God-man in truth represents a symbolism for every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature. As soon as any one of us has reached a certain developmental point, this aspect of their nature begins to move into the foreground of that their consciousness. After a while, it begins to dawn on them that the only one they themselves. No outer influences are involved. It is a natural process when our earthly self has spiritually matured sufficiently for our higher nature to wake from its slumbering state and we start to feel like treating everything that comes our way with goodness, kindness and friendliness.

When we find out that the main law of life is love and evolution, i.e. evolution that is based on love, we realise that with the help and will of God and the Angels, all things really are possible, that crooked places can be made straight and all conditions healed. From the beginning of material manifestations of life, all of them have individually and collectively been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. And the latest news about Covid-19, see the previous chapter, clearly show how the Highest Forces of life at all times are occupied with restoring our world’s balance.

Covid-19 probably has been, and at the moment still is, one of the most disturbing imbalances our world ever had to deal with. But not to worry! The Aquarian age, among many other things, is the age of transmutation. That’s the best news of all. My inner guidance, the most reliable teacher and guru in the whole of Creation tells me that God and the Angels for quite a while have been working very hard on transmuting Covid-19. They are assisted by the awakened ones in our world whose minds are tuned into their frequencies. And that’s by no means all! These efforts are strengthened by the work of countless groups of guides and helpers in the spirit realm, humankind’s true home.

From being a harmful parasite that has the power of sucking its host dry and creating illnesses in humans and animals alike, all together they have been toiling for some time to change Covid-19 into a beneficial organism that supports, strengthens and heals the immune systems of those affected when it was still a virus. In the course of this process its colour changes from red to green. Bearing in mind the main laws of life, what could be more natural than the transmutation of the crude and unevolved harmful version of this virus into something beneficial that’s worth acquiring. What if it’s still contagious? Well, in that case getting in touch with those who have already developed the advanced is most certainly desirable and so is contact with them and that as close as possible. After all, laughter and fun are contagious, why shouldn’t the new Covid-19 possess this power?

If its carriers are capable of transferring it to those around them, and maybe that’s what’s been happening for quite a while by now, Covid-19’s presence will reveal itself through the immune systems of ever more people being strengthened and healed. Their symptoms will be clearing up, speedily and efficiently, without external medical intervention. As a reward for what they had to endure, they are likely to feel fitter and healthier than they have been for a long time. And it will not take long until the coverage of people whose health is steadily improving has reached one hundred percent. Covid-19 cannot cause any kind of suffering because it no longer exists. Deaths will again only take place when the purpose of someone’s lifetime has been fulfilled. That, by the way, has always been the case and therefore is also true for Coronavirus deaths. Thanks and praise be to the Highest for nothing to contain.

Many of us are aware by now that everything on the earthly plane happens for the wise higher purpose of teaching us and our world a specific lesson. And none of the Covid-19 victims died in vain. Now that they are once more nothing but spirit/soul, they have no difficulties recognising the driving forces and their intentions behind the pandemic, and that with great clarity. Secrets do not exist in our world’s spiritual background. On the inner level everything is clearly visible to anyone and even what we earthlings like to think of as our innermost thoughts, are seen as if we were shouting them from the rooftops.

It’s just a thin veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds from each other. Those who passed into the world of spirit during the pandemic, just the same as at any other time, are now enjoying the greater freedom of that realm. They are very much alive and well. A long time before they reincarnated into our world, guided and assisted by the wise ones in charge of humankind, they agreed that this particular lifetime should end the way it did. During our earthly education’s early stages we tend to reincarnate through the same groups of people. But the more highly evolved we become, the more we venture into exploring the cultural background of other countries. That has been an essential ingredient that made the worldwide spread of the virus and the resulting pandemic possible.

The only difference between those dwelling in the spirit realm and our world is that on their side of the veil we are once more fully aware of our true nature as spirit/souls, who like God are eternal and immortal. We then realise that in principle every human being is a young God in the making, who is serving their apprenticeship by helping Mother Earth with her evolutionary journey, either on one side of the veil or the other.

Those who died because of Covid-19 in its early dangerous state, as soon as they have rested sufficiently, are invited by the wise ones in charge of them to continue their evolutionary journey by joining one of the many groups of the spirit world’s guides and helpers. Apart from being able to support their loved ones on the earthly plane in the usual manner, at this critical time in our planet’s development, if they so wish all newcomers can actively take part in bringing about the greatest healing miracle of all times that was ever experienced on Mother Earth. And that will soon bring our world’s present unhappy situation to its natural happy conclusion.

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22 Jun, 2020
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