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Crimson Swordsman (Chapter 2)
Crimson Swordsman (Chapter 2)

Crimson Swordsman (Chapter 2)



Cyne woke up to the blinding rays of the sun, entering the alley he spent the night on. Sleeping in an alley didn’t seem too far fetched for him, considering he was sleeping around the slums in the outskirts of the capital for the past few days.

Cyne stood up and made his way towards the A.U building in the middle of town, hoping to see a few quests available for someone his rank.

He opened the door and was greeted with the sight of the busy A.U workers sweeping the floors of the building.

A female worker immediately recognized him and greeted him.

“Good morning Cyne! You're early today.”

Cyne flashed a smile

“Yeah, I had to look for a quest today since i’m looking to rank up to silver.”

The female worker nodded at his determination and quickly started to look for a quest to give him.

While she was scouring her desk trying to find a suitable quest, Cyne walked towards her and asked.

“About the quest you gave me last time, you didn’t tell me Bloodshade had already reserved it.”

She turned her attention to him.

“Even though they reserved it, the man who made the request immediately said that he wanted the quest to be done by you.”

Cyne scratched his head in confusion. Why would that man specifically ask for me, I am just a bronze adventurer after all.

The female worker continued.

“I asked the man why he would turn down the reservation of the best guild in the area, only for his quest to be done by a lone adventurer.”

“Then he told me that he had heard of you who hunted down a forest troll during a goblin hunting quest.”

“That’s why he wanted you to do it.”

Cyne was still in deep confusion. Even though an appearance of a forest troll during a goblin hunt was very rare, it doesn’t mean that the strength of a forest troll equaled that of a pack of wolves.

Still in thought, Cyne crossed his arms.

“Here I found another goblin quest for you!”

The female worker smiled as she handed him the contract.

It read


Hunt down a group of goblins causing a disturbance near the merchant roads connecting Saurac and Toph.


10 Gold coins

Cyne eyes widened to the amount he would receive during this quest.

“Seriously!? 10 gold coins for a goblin quest!?”

The female worker nodded.

“A merchant put a high reward since he wanted it to be done immediately

Cyne quickly signed his name on the paper and ran out of the A.U building.

“I’ll be back at noon!”


Cyne continued walking down the merchant roads specified in the contract. As he continued, Cyne suddenly felt the presence of monsters down the road.

He stopped walking on the road and took to the trees to his right.

“About 15 goblins made camp ahead, all are heavily armed with mid-rate armour.”

He wasn’t surprised at all with their equipment, seemingly because they attacked traveling merchants on these roads.

But once his eyes focused on the blockade the goblins seemingly made out of broken merchant wagons and fallen down trees, he realized that he was dealing with goblins that at least possessed some level of intelligence.

He grinned at the thought of being able to rank up by killing the goblins in front of him.

He then pulled out two short swords from their scabbards behind his back and cautiously approached the goblin group.



Cyne carefully observed the two goblins up ahead that were fighting for what looks like a human hand.

“Disgusting…. Can’t say I blame them, it is survival of the fittest around here.”

He then tightened his grip on his two short swords and prepared to pounce on the distracted goblins.



Just like that, he swung his swords in a shape of an x and landed gracefully on the ground.

He turned back to see.

Two headless bodies, slowly crumbling to the ground.

Cyne smiled and eyed down the remaining 13 goblins.

The goblins, now aware of his presence, quickly rush to Cyne with all intent to kill their comrades’ murderer.

But like the other two goblins…..

They were all beheaded in an almost graceful like way.

Tud! Tud! Tud!

The bodies of 8 goblins crumble to the ground.

Seeing that they were in a clear disadvantage, 4 goblins stepped back and surrounded the robed goblin at the back.

Just then, light began to emit from the remaining goblins and as if the disadvantage was quickly settled, the goblins were now itching for a fight.

Cyne’s eyes widened in surprise but quickly fell into laughter.

“Hahaha… The goblin at the back is a spell caster, no wonder why the merchants were paying a high price for this!”

A red light suddenly fell upon the goblins as they began their counter attack.

“An attack buff huh….”

“Lets see how long you’ll last.”

Cyne gripped the hilt of his short swords and met the goblins attack head on.



Cyne’s short swords clashed with the goblins mid-grade long swords backed up with their strength buff.

Beginning to get overpowered by the goblins, Cyne jumped back and held his swords in a downward manner.

His swords then began emitting red light from their blades, he then slashed the air, sending a powerful shockwave that tore the four goblins to pieces.

“Dying Cry!”

For a bronze ranked adventurer possessing a skill was very rare, for Cyne’s case, possessing a rare skill such as Dying Cry took him by surprise.

One day he was just out doing a quest and the next thing he knew, he was able to send a powerful shockwave into the air.

With the loss of 14 goblins, the magic caster was now alone. The goblin hurriedly began casting a spell, but before it knew… it was already dead.



Cyne sheathed his swords behind his back and took out a knife from his boot and started to collect goblin ears to bring back to the A.U to confirm his quest completion.

As he quickly gathered up all the goblin ears, he noticed that the magic caster had a glowing crystal ring on it’s finger.

Cyne took the ring and placed it on his pocket.

“I might get this ring appraised back in town, who knows? It might be a rare item.”

He finished putting the goblin ears in a bag and headed back to town.


Back in the A.U building in Saurac.

Adventurers from all different ranks were looking for quests.

[Could we get this quest?]

-[I’m sorry but this quest is for silver ranks only.]

[Could I join your party for your upcoming quest?]

[Hey, that last quest we took was pretty hard. I think we should go easy for now.]

[Please could you join our guild?]

Cyne then entered the building and looked around for the female worker always handing him quests.

“Ahah! Found you.”

Cyne then tapped her in the shoulder. She turned back in surprise to see who it was.

“Cyne you’re back!”

“Yeah, it turns out those goblins had a magic caster with them so I was a bit delayed.”

“Oh I see.”

Cyne then handed her a bag full of goblin ears. She smiled.

“Always going overboard with your killing sprees huh.”

Cyne chuckled and gave her a nod.

She then handed him the reward which was 10 gold coins and patted him in the back.

“Good work today!”

Cyne then grabbed her hand while she was about to walk away.

She turned her head in surprise as Cyne stopped her.

“Could you by any chance check my ranking now?”

“Yeah sure!”

She smiled enthusiastically. She led Cyne to a room on the second floor of the A.U building and told him to sit down for a while.

Cyne looked around the barely lit room and noticed a bunch of daggers were framed and hanged on the room’s walls.

“Pretty cool…”

He then noticed the crystal clear orb that was sitting on the desk in front of him.

“That's going to take my power measurement huh.”

The female worker then came back with a necklace in hand.

“Wear this and put your hands on the orb.”

Cyne wore the necklace and nervously put his hands on the orb.

The necklace then began emitting a golden beam of light aimed at the orb.

The orb then began to shake and change into various different colours, until it suddenly stopped.

She then put her hands on the orb and smiled.

“Cyne… you are now a silver rank.”

Author Notes: Thanks for reading guys! I'm aiming to release 1 chapter every single day.
As for That One Summer Night, I plan to release chapter 4 by next week.

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About This Story
9 Jul, 2020
Read Time
7 mins
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