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Crimson Swordsman: Shadow Monarch (Chapter 5)
Crimson Swordsman: Shadow Monarch (Chapter 5)

Crimson Swordsman: Shadow Monarch (Chapter 5)



On the road to Toph.

It is morning, the sun shone furiously at the grassy land that surrounded the area.

The wagon shook violently as they passed through a rocky path.

Alph reached out his hand to awaken Cyne, currently sleeping at the back of the wagon.



“Wake up buddy! It’s morning.”

Cyne waved off Alph and tossed back to sleep.

Alph scratched the back of his head.

(This guy!)

Alph reached deep into his bag and pulled out a piece of bread and threw it to Cyne.

Cyne immediately got up and caught the bread mid air.

“Thanks for breakfast!”

Cyne grinned as he chomped down on the piece of bread.

“When will we get to Toph?”

“Around tomorrow morning, that’s if we don’t encounter anything weird today.”

Cyne saw his swords that were laying gently on the wagon floor.

He unsheathed his swords and slid his hand across the blade.

The blade was losing its edge, there better be a blacksmith in Toph or else the fight against the undead will be much harder.

Then Cyne shifted his attention to Alph and examined his gear.

Alph definitely was a special case when it came to being a tank. He didn’t use a shield, which alone makes him one odd fellow, and he doesn’t use weapons either, just his fists.

Although his skill definitely covers for the equipment he’s lacking.

From what Alph has told me so far, his skill allows him to exceed his limits and boosts all his abilities by a 100%.

And that was just the special skill he got suddenly.

Alph also had other skills that were considered some of the best among tanks.

But the skill that frightens me the most, Berserk Fist, the one he used against me during our duel.

I have yet to ask him about it….

But with this quest to defeat this elder Lich suddenly our top priority, I can’t help but be anxious at how we will fare against a monster like that.

Skillswise, we were at the top of the silver rank or maybe even higher, but considering the old man used to be a gold ranked adventurer, which was the highest rank back in the day, we might have to make up for our lack of strength in numbers.

It would be helpful if we managed to recruit a diamond ranked adventurer or platinum when it came to this situation.

But it is doubtful that any high ranked adventurer would listen to what he had to say.

Suddenly the wagon came to a stop.

“Alph why are we stopping?”

Alph looked at me and grinned.

“Looks like some adventurers got into an accident ahead.”

Cyne got out of the wagon to investigate.

His eyes widened at what he just saw.

A caravan covered with arrows with a broken wheel was overturned in the middle of the path.

There were injured adventurers with arrows sticking out of them, some were at the verge of dying.

Their faces spelled out agony.



Please! Someone, I can’t move!

The priestess among the adventurers was trying her best to heal the dying adventurers, but some of them were beyond saving.

The priestess saw us from a distance and jumped and waved to get our attention.

The priestess was in tears as she tried her best to stay calm.

“Please! Help us!”

Author Notes: I have decided to focus all on this story in the long run, that means I won't be writing other stories for a while.

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About This Story
15 May, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
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