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Dear Everybody I Know,
Dear Everybody I Know,

Dear Everybody I Know,

1 Review

Dear Best Friends,

Where do I start? And where do you end? You’ve been there. Always. Anywhere. Anytime. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I remember all the good times. The laughs, the references, the spam mail, the fantasizing...
You are my bright star that always shines no matter how battered or broken I’m feeling. Every moment with you is a happy moment and the only time we actually got into a fight was when we we were arguing about who is more stupid. And I’m so glad we met, because I finally know what true friendship is.
You guys.
And me.
I know both of us went through some pretty tough stuff, and I’m rougher than you are, and you made me look at the world in a whole different way. You’re always so kind and loyal. You never say a peep when I demand you to keep things a secret. Only if we grew closer before Catalina, then it would be even more amazing.
Because during that time, I found fake friends and I just wish I never met them and met you instead.
How long have we been together?
Two month? Three months? Who’s counting the days? Everyday with you counts. When I’m with you, there’s no such thing as wasted time.
Just thinking of us together makes me happy. Our poo jokes, when we exchange knowing look in class, when we laugh and snort like a bunch of psychopaths…
I used to want to join the other group.
Nothing anymore.
Because I’ve got you.
People say everything comes to an end.
Remember at the very beginning of this letter I asked you where you end?
Maybe there’s no end to us.



Author Notes: To all my besties! Mbapp10, nepenthexwriter, Demons, egnimaticflamingo, Oxygen, and so many many more! The whole damn squad! Love all of ya'll very much! Thank you for standing with during these hard times.
Zero, out!

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About This Story
7 Apr, 2019
Read Time
1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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