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Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep
Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep

Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep


Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am neither dead nor asleep.
Having left the prison of my physical body,
I returned to my true home,
The world of spirit and light.
I am alive and well and once again
Nothing but an eternal and immortal
Spirit/soul, who can and will never die,
Enjoying the freedom of being able to get
Around without needing a physical body.

One of the Angels of Transformation,
Not of Death because there is no such thing,
Came and gently invited me to follow it
As once again, my time for returning
To humankind’s true eternal home had come.
Once again I am fully aware of my everlasting
Oneness with God and the Angels,
As well as everything that exists in
The whole of Creation.
Could anyone wish for more?

But, if it makes you happy,
By all means connect with me
In the old-fashioned way:
In a thousand winds that blow;
In softly falling snow;
In gentle showers of rain;
In fields of ripening grain;
In every morning’s hush
And in the graceful rush
Of birds in circling flight.

In every night’s Starshine;
In every flower that blooms;
In the quiet of a room;
In every bird that sings
And all other beautiful things
Look for me in them, but please
Don’t stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there. I did not die.

Mary Frye
Edited by Aquarius
Updated December 2021

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About This Story
31 Dec, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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