Let me fall apart,
I've spent years trying to hide my broken self,
Spent years perfecting my fake smile,
Like I was a doll on a pristine shelf,
I want to let go,
I don't want to be what everyone wants,
I want to be free to go with the flow,
I'm tired of fighting the stream,
It's cold,
And I've been stuck in a bad dream,
Let me fall off and break,
Let it be fast,
There's only so much I can take,
I'd rather that than keep up this act,
I never promised to be this person,
I was no part in a pact,
Let me be a mess,
Because the pain suffered by that
Is still far less,
I want to fall apart already,
Watching my mask melt slowly
Has burned and it's steady,
I want to be me,
Because I'm stuck on this shelf pretending,
But I just want to be free
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