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Earthly Life : Definitely Not An Illusion
Earthly Life : Definitely Not An Illusion

Earthly Life : Definitely Not An Illusion

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The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (5)

Far too many in our world to this day believe that humankind’s earthly existence is nothing but an illusion. When you take a look at what’s been said about our race’s spiritual development in other parts of my writings, and in particular the previous chapters of ‘The Epilogue’, you can see quite clearly for yourself that this is simply not true. That’s because whatever happens in our world is spiritually of the greatest importance and therefore, to my mind, does not deserve the name illusion by any stretch of imagination. It makes no difference whether or not someone is as yet aware of the seriousness of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. And that’s what everybody who is presently here is occupied with.

As proof of this, first let’s take a closer look at the belief that earthly representatives of a non-existent God have any spiritual power whatsoever to forgive all kinds of sin that have been committed in our world. Believing this most certainly is nothing but an illusion. Every sin that’s committed and especially lying, cheating and deceiving people for whatever reasons creates a debit entry in the offender’s spiritual account. Stored in their soul memories, for however long it may be necessary, this debit will patiently wait to be redeemed until the law of cause and effect or Karma returns every bit of it like a boomerang. That’s bound to happen because everything that anyone at any given moment sends into the Universe in thoughts, words and actions must eventually return to its sender.

I hope you are not getting tired of hearing about things like that every one of us is personally responsible for every thought, word and deed that’s ever projected into our world. My own life’s experience has taught me that Catholic people in particular seem to be prone to lying. Being well aware that lying is a sin, they nonetheless do not hesitate to use it whenever it suits them. This is done because they believe they can turn to a priest to confess their sin and be forgiven for it, maybe through saying praying ten hail Maries.

Oh dear, if only the sinners knew that the one who likes to think of him/herself as a representative of God, who just like God has the power of forgiving any kind of sin, as long as someone says they truly feel sorry about what they have done. It makes no difference whether they really are or not. Their hailing of the non-existent mother of the non-existent God is nothing but a waste of time, because she is merely a symbolism for the Great Mother of all life as well as the feminine aspect of every human being’s nature.

Be that as it may, the priest is happy to forgive the sinner. Alas, because the God he is working for is a non-existent one, this kind of forgiveness carries no spiritual weight whatever. It does not have any power whatever to change the fact that lying, cheating and deception, in pursuit of personal advantages, are among the most serious offences that can be committed in our world. And when, in the fullness of time, such sins are returned by the Divine law of Karma and make life difficult for the earthly personality of the same spirit/soul, either later in the same lifetime or a future one, they may not be able to understand why things of this nature should be happening to them, out of all people.

It takes a long time until someone has developed sufficiently to realise the perfection of God’s justice and how it is achieved in the simplest of ways through the law of cause and effect or Karma. There comes the time when one realises that all truly great things are basically very simple. And this law is simplicity on a truly grandiose scale, because it operates throughout the whole of Creation, not merely in our world. It also ensures that nobody can redeem anyone else’s karmic debts, because as their creator we alone are responsible for every bit of them. That’s why we are the only ones who can and has to redeem them, in the fullness of time.

Every act of lying, cheating and deception, whether it is successful or not, creates a debit entry in our spiritual account. This is because the only thing that counts spiritually is the intention behind everything we project into our world, which is clearly visible to the wise ones in charge of us and our development on the inner spiritual plane. Lying and cheating are most serious offences against the laws of life for the whole of Creation, not merely on our planet, because God’s laws are based on absolute and unchangeable honesty and truth.

Each offence against the Divine Universal laws creates a debit entry in our personal spiritual ledger. Every one of them consists of a double bookkeeping system, if ever there was one. That’s because the redemption of every sin is put on ice until the offender has spiritually matured sufficiently to cope with what the law of Karma in due course returns to them. It makes no difference if in this lifetime they are taking the greatest of care to do only what’s honest and truthful. Because of this they will not be able to understand why something so unpleasant should be hitting them, out of all people and maybe even out of the blue.

Naturally, this applies just as much to the pharma industry and the members of the medical profession of our time, who are accepting payments for taking part in the greatest deception that our world has ever experienced. Do not believe for a moment that God and the Angels are not aware of what’s happening. Why are they allowing it? The pandemic serves the wise higher purpose of redeeming the karmic debts of old and experienced spirit/souls, and that has nothing to do with what age the physical body of someone’s lower earthly personality may have reached. Simultaneously with this, masses of fresh karmic debts are shovelled into the spiritual accounts of young and inexperienced spirit/souls who are involved in experiencing their first lessons in the earthly school of life. To my mind, nothing of what’s been happening for several years by now to people on either side of the pandemic could, by any stretch of the imagination, qualify to be called merely an illusion.

Because on the inner plane all life is one and there is no separation between anything, the belief that every human being is an individual who exists on their own in the material world and left to struggle with no help that’s the only part of humankind’s existence that qualifies to be called an illusion. Also that we are miserable worms and sinners and that the only one who can save and redeem us from forever having to fry in the fires of hell is a God-man by the name of Jesus. All of these things are untrue and therefore illusions.

In truth, every human being who ever took part in the earthly school of life’s lessons always has been and forever will be a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Every so often every one of us takes part in another lesson of the earthly school of life. That’s why every so often we stay there for a predestined length of time. At the end of it one of the Angels of transformation, not of death because in truth there is no such thing as death, returns us to our true home, the world of spirit or light. We rest and recuperate there from the stresses of earthly life until our spirit/soul feels strong enough to send its earthly counterpart to experience another spell as a material being in the material world.

And what about the belief that God is in the Heavens somewhere leaving us poor earthlings to struggle, each on their own with their existence in the material world? That’s probably the greatest illusion of them all, because our Creator has always been one with us and forever will be, as much as we have been and forever will be one with Him/Her. If you believe that the earthly plane is your home and that, when your time for parting company with it, you are snuffed out like a candle so that nothing remains of you, you are still caught up in one of our world’s biggest illusions.

Should you already be aware that the God-man Jesus is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature and that this is the only one who will ever be able to save and redeem you and me, as well as everybody else, congratulations for having woken up from being lost in the world of illusions. Welcome to the realisation of the true realities of our existence and that without its spiritual background we and our world would not even exist.

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25 Feb, 2022
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