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Earthly Life : A Wide And Universal Theatre
Earthly Life : A Wide And Universal Theatre

Earthly Life : A Wide And Universal Theatre


The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Six

Amazing Grace, we thank You and the Angels for allowing us to know that we are by no means miserable worms and sinners, like our world’s old religions told us. It’s good to know that at any given moment, every one of us is nothing but a child in the great school of earthly life, where all of us are simultaneously functioning as teachers and pupils or students. In this establishment’s curriculum there is no space for guilt or vengeance. The only purpose it serves is learning and each can only do this through their own experiences.

They are the instruments we need to grow in wisdom and understanding of ourselves, each other and everything else that happens in our world. And through this our consciousness is slowly but surely constantly expanding. For a good all-round education, it’s essential that at first we find ourselves at the giving end of unpleasant experiences. In one lifetime we hand them out. And yet, only when we have matured sufficiently to be able to cope with being at the receiving end of those happenings, the Universal law of cause and effect returns our unpleasant thoughts, words and actions from long ago to us.

It takes many earthly lifetimes until we have matured sufficiently to understand why such experiences cannot help coming our way, because we ourselves created them and that could have been many lifetimes ago. The knowledge of this makes forgiving much easier. First we need to forgive ourselves for being the cause of such a lesson. Even though things happened a long time ago and we are not consciously aware of what we did during our earthly education’s early stages. However, the justice of the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma is so perfect and unfailing that there’s no need to doubt that it was our own thoughts, words and actions that once set the wheels of fate in motion and brought the unpleasant and traumatic events to us. To set ourselves free from each other, we need not only forgive the offenders, but go one step further by thanking them for their willingness to take part in teaching us one of our lessons, which added some more debt entries to their spiritual ledger.

There are no enemies in the earthly school of life. Everybody is either our sister or brother. As soon as we grasp the true meaning of the concept of God as the highest authority of the whole of Creation, it’s no longer hard to recognise that the Divine is everybody’s best friend who has nothing but love and evolution in mind for every one of His/Her children of the Earth. Because of this, from the moment of our creation we are constantly moving forwards and upwards. Each is doing this on their own evolutionary spiral and at the same time that of the whole of humankind and our world.

Aquarius is the sign through which our Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, have always been communicating with us direct. That’s why it is not surprising that the Aquarian age, among many other things, is about siblinghood and friendship with all manifestations of life throughout the whole of Creation, not merely on our planet. With every passing day we and our world are moving deeper into the Aquarian age. And in keeping with God’s great plan of life, the time has come for healing all our relationships, especially the difficult and traumatic ones. That’s how every one of us is required to do their share of bringing, one small step after another, peace, balance and harmony to our world.

This is much easier when one realises that everybody in truth is a friend who has something of value to give to us that will help our consciousness to expand and increase our wealth of wisdom and understanding. All of us always have been and to this day are play-acting on the stage of the grand theatre of humankind’s earthly existence. It’s no longer a question of who is guilty or not, but of understanding the wise higher purpose of everybody’s earthly existence, including our own, and then finding forgiveness for ourselves and everybody else.

Ignorance of the Universal laws, especially the one of cause and effect, could never protect anyone against having to harvest the bitter fruits of the seeds every one of us once sowed with all their thoughts, words and actions. Don’t you think it’s only fair and square that every bit of suffering we once inflicted upon any kind of manifestation of life has to be made good and redeemed by none other than us? Isn’t it the love and wisdom of God and the Angels that ensures that this does not happen until our earthly self has matured sufficiently to cope with whatever comes its way? It’s their kindness that takes every one of us to rest and recuperate in the spirit world, humankind’s true home, from the stresses and strains of our earthly existences.

When our departure time has come, one of the Angels of Death takes our spirit/soul by the hand and takes them to the inner spiritual counterpart of the earthly plane. There is nowhere else to go for anyone. And as soon as we have recovered sufficiently, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of us we take a good look at all our earthly performances thus far. Together we consider everything that happened to us and how we dealt with it. On the inner plane no-one judges us and there never was and will be anything like judgement day, the way our world’s old religions, to this day, are brainwashing their followers to believe.

Because we are part of God and each one is a young God in the making, nobody judges us except we ourselves. And when this happens after having spent only a few lifetimes on the material plane, we realise why Shakespeare wrote in ‘As You Like It’:

This wide and Universal theatre
Presents more woeful pageants than the scene, wherein we play.
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one person, in their time, plays many parts.

It’s how God and the Angels inspired one of our world’s by now most famous poets, long before this kind of thing became more common knowledge, that humankind’s earthly existence is by no means a one-off affair, at the end of which we are snuffed out like candles. They wanted us to know that in truth every human being, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, plays many different parts. And to ensure a well rounded education, we sometimes appear as a man and on other occasions as a woman. The most important women in a man’s life, like their mother, wife or other main partner are outer manifestations of his own inner woman, and vice versa.

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19 Apr, 2021
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