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Miss the Good Times
Miss the Good Times

Miss the Good Times

JanBrooks14Jan Brooks
1 Review

February 23rd 2009

Today me and Timothy played hide and seek. I tried my very best to hide but no matter what, my best friend always finds me.

It has come to the point where it got boring. But I would never get bored of the times we spend together.

September 21st 2009

It was a fun-filled day for me and Timothy. We went to the park and swang for hours, and we ate chocolate icecream. Unfortunately, my icecream fell and I started crying. But Timothy was there to console me. He asked me to play in the mud. How could I ever say no to him? We got awfully dirty but it was still worth it, even though both of us had to go home afterwards. The fun didn't stop there. After that we played dragon and knight. Me as the dragon and him as the knight. Every day I spend with Timothy is worth it.

January 6th 2010

Today was just an average day. We played with our toy trucks inside since we weren't allowed to go outside because the weather was bad. We took a nap in the afternoon, and at night we enjoyed some cookies from mother and a bed time story before going to bed. He would not forget to tell me that he loves me, and I didn't too.

December 22nd 2010

My favourite time of the year with my favourite person in the whole world. Today we made snow angels and snow men in the snow. We also baked ginger bread men and a delicious ham, with the help of mother. Of course we did not forget Santa. He had some exciting treats to collect when he pass to our house. Timothy told me his christmas wish was to get a toy car to ride. He promised me that he would invite me for a ride too! My christmas wish? To spend the rest of my life with this amazing kid.

April 14th 2011

Me and Timothy was reading a really interesting book that just came out a month ago called 'Big Red Lollipop' We were almost finished with it, but we had other books to read too. It finally stopped snowing and we were able to go outside. We played soccer and ate some ice lollies. He even invited his neighbour Jesse over. Jesse completely ignored my existence, but I wasn't too offended.

June 12th 2014

Timothy no longer pays attention to me anymore. He is always playing video games on his phone. I wish we had what we did years ago. It's like he doesn't even know me anymore. I never see him play our games again. Like hide and seek, or playing in the sand pit. I wonder where'd the old Timothy go? I miss him. If only he knows how much I love him.

October 1st 2015

Our relationship slowly drift apart each day. We don't play or talk anymore. I can't help but think of all the good times we had. I remember random moments like knocking his sand castle over at the beach years ago, or when we fought about who gets to ride the trolly in the grocery. Those were the moments that I cherished. Today I saw him riding his bicycle with his friends. He seems happy. Since when does he like doing those thing? I thought he loved toy cars? Also where was that ride he promised?

Janurary 8th 2016

Nothing much happened today, he walked his pet dog and as usual was back to his video games. I just wish I was included. I tried everything I could to grab his attention. But of course he didn't hear me. He forgot about me. He really did. I don't get it. How could he spend so much time with someone, years......and then all of a sudden forget them. It doesn't make sense to me.

July 27th 2016

Timothy got his first girlfriend today. Wow, they grow so fast. I am happy for him. I will always be happy for my best friend. Even though he doesn't call me that anymore or even acknowledge me, he still has a spot in my heart. No matter how hard I try he could not hear me. I don't want to say "ignore me." It hurts. It really do.

"Timothy! Timothy! I miss you dear. Come play with me? What about our times we shared together? Playing water balloon fight and watching cat videos at night. I miss you Timothy. Please come home," I shout.

Although Timothy grew older, our memories never did for me. Each day it replay in my mind, wishing I could go back to our times. At least I made him happy once in his life. I was the best friend for him. The perfect friend. Eventually all good things must come to an end. Slowly and slowly I faded.


Born: January 9th 2009

Death: July 27th 2016

Beloved imaginary friend of Timothy Harlow.

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Jan Brooks
About This Story
12 Aug, 2021
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