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Finding Peace
Finding Peace

Finding Peace


The Aquarian age is the age of truth and knowledge.
With the passing of time it will flow with ever
Increasing strength from the highest levels of life
Into every one of God’s beloved children of the Earth.
That’s how ever more of us are consciously being reunited with
Our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.

I am looking forward to the golden age when
All of us on the earthly plane are aware of their
True higher nature God or Christ nature
And behave in keeping with this knowledge.
This means the end of the pain and suffering
That once were caused by the old religions false beliefs,
Prejudices and superstitions , which had nothing
In common what truly happens in our world.

Ever more of us will then be walking
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,Paying attention to their inner guidance,
The wise one of living God within,
The built-in lie-detector who has been waiting
For a long time to be accessed by us.
When we follow Its guidance and pay attention
To the thoughts and ideas that come to us intuitively,
We are going to be the co-creators of our new
Spiritually orientated world.

It’s good to know that the spirit of God and the Angels
At all times is working on improving all aspects
Of our earthly existence, whilst
Supporting and encouraging us to do the same.
There never is any need for living in despair,
Because whenever one of us asks for their help,
It unfailingly comes.
Yet, without asking, it won’t come.

And whenever we pray for
The highest good and the greatest joy of the
Whole of humankind and our world,
True to our higher God or Christ nature.
We are once again consciously walking
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
The way we used to do, a long time ago.

That’s how, with the passing of time, they will help
Us to discover and explore ever higher
Levels of humankind’s existence and how we
Have always been moving forwards and upwards,
On our own evolutionary spiral and the one
For the whole human race and our world,
Even though on the material plane it
Often did not look that way.

And that’s how everybody can at last find the peace
Our spirit/souls have been yearning for,
For such a long time, whilst we are still
Taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.

Whenever something comes to our attention and our built-in lie-detector responds with: ‘This is true!’, even if it those around us don’t agree with the way we perceive our world’s present situation, it’s the wise one or living God within who provides us with the spiritual freedom and the peace we most urgently need to help us cope. Our inner guidance is part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also on our planet within and without. Because of this it knows the way of all things and what, at any given moment, is right or wrong for our present level of spiritual development. And that’s what every human being most urgently requires during our world’s transformation from an over-materialistically orientated place into an ever more spiritual one.

Updated January 2022

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23 Jan, 2022
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2 mins
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