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For Day Of The New Moon In Scorpio
For Day Of The New Moon In Scorpio

For Day Of The New Moon In Scorpio

1 Review

Thursday 4th November 2021

Greetings beloved friends and siblings in the great family of humankind, wherever you may be. I have a feeling that my departure from the earthly plane is not too far off. Until then I hope to get one of these thoughts to you every day. When, one of these days, no further ones arrive, know that I will be greeting you from the greater freedom of the spirit realm and supporting you from there, as best as this is possible. And when, in due course, your present earthly lifetime has reached its end, I look forward to be among those who are greeting you and making you welcome. You and I will recognise each other by our vibrations. Without wishing away what’s left of this lifetime for me, I am looking forward to what lies ahead.

The love and wisdom of the Highest Forces of life have for a long time been communicating with my readers through my writings. Even though for a long time I was unaware of this, all of them have come into being intuitively from the wise one or living God within me, who tells me that today is an excellent day for launching this project. For the following reasons: Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, the benevolent and expansive ruler of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. The 4 is ruled by Uranus, co-ruler with Saturn of Aquarius, the sign through which the wisdom and truth of the Highest Forces have always been entering our world. For long enough they have been waiting to flow directly into ever more human hearts and minds who are ready to receive and understand their messages. The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more this will become noticeable. The interference of the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of the old religions are gradually disappearing from our world. The iconoclastic force of the Uranian energies are helping us to sweep them away.

Last but by no means least, let’s have a look at today’s date. 4 + 11 + 2022 is the year through which we are presently moving. Every New Year’s day is the beginning of the next year, the same as a child’s first birthday is the beginning of the second year. 4 = Uranus. 11 = one of the Master numbers. The second Master number is the 22. To make today’s mixture of energies even more powerful, another 2 has been added to it as well as the circle of Eternity = 0.

Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, degeneration and regeneration. To my mind, it is the most interesting one of all Sun signs. Read more about it by following the links at the end of this thought. A New Moon comes round every twenty-eight days and that’s always a point of new beginnings. This is because the energies our world receives from the Sun can again reach us with renewed strength. New Moon is always a good time for launching new projects. This is why I have chosen to launch this new project of mine today. So here we go:

So long as this you fail to see:
That death precedes re-birth!
A gloomy guest you’ll always be,
Upon this darkling Earth.


From: ‘The Soul’s Yearning’
Original Title ‘Seliges Verlangen’

In an earlier part of this poem, Goethe says:
Do not tell anyone, except those who are wise.
We advise you to share the knowledge that will be coming
your way through these jottings with as many
as possible around you, so that the spiritual part of their nature
stirs from its slumber and helps them to evolve into wise ones.

‘Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. Wise ones know that they are young Gods in the making and that they are personally responsible for every thought, word and action they send into the Universe. Hand in hand with God and the Angels every one of you is a co-creator who is constantly occupied with bringing something into being. Wise ones know that if they think of something that has a good, right and positive outcome, no matter if at present this may not appear to be possible, they are helping to create it. Because of this we recommend that whenever you give advice to anybody, be as constructive and positive as possible.

‘Seeing nothing but good in everything that happens in your world to this day may be called optimistically foolish by young and less experienced spirit/souls. Older and more experienced ones know that through only seeing good in everything they are helping to bring it about through their manner of thinking. By seeing only that which is good, right and desirable in your world, every one of you has the power within to help bringing it about. This is particularly important during your world’s present transformation from a materialistically over-oriented place into an ever more purely spiritual one.

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

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4 Nov, 2021
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