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For Saturday 6th November 2021
For Saturday 6th November 2021

For Saturday 6th November 2021


‘Every one of your spirit friends and helpers who are accompanying you on your pathway through this lifetime, also walked it a long time ago. That’s why they are familiar with what happens on the earthly plane. Like you, they have struggled with its problems which were similar to the ones you have to deal with these days. This enables them to use the knowledge they gained for advising their younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind when they are stuck and don’t know which way to turn. They too once were supported by the wise ones in charge of them. And because everything consists of circles within circles, one of these days, you will have joined one of our groups and enjoy supporting those on the earthly plane who so very much are in need of your help.

‘The moments when you take your first as well as your last breath during each lifetime is predestined and therefore ‘written in the Stars’, the great book of life. We have come today to provide you with evidence that every human being’s existence is an uninterrupted flow that continues without ever being disrupted or even disturbed by anything. Each new birthchart shows the direction in which someone’s Highest Self, every one of them is an integral part of the Universal Christ. The love and warmth of the Christ Star’s light is constantly drawing every one of you forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral, the one for the whole of humankind, your world and ultimately the whole of Creation. This is how the Divine Trinity is always drawing each one of Its beloved children of the Earth closer into its loving embrace.

‘Life throughout the whole of Creation is moving in one flow; there never are any interruptions. There never will be, no matter what may still have to happen in your world until the new golden age of plenty, honesty and truth, peace and harmony has been reached. Such an age comes round about every 25,800 years. On every occasion another batch of human beings has become sufficiently evolved to take part in the new golden age. This time, however, something very different is going to happen because Mother Earth’s development has progressed sufficiently so that by now she is gradually changing into an ever more ethereal and spiritual planet.

‘Because of this the energies of those who are presently playing the role of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers are not going to be right for reincarnating on the Earth, when their time for reappearing as physical beings in a material world comes round again. They will be doing so on a planet that’s young and less highly evolved that matches the energies the youngsters have developed so far. To find out more about this, please take a look at the link at the end of this greeting.

‘On the inner level of life all is one, there is no separation between anything. That’s why whatever you do to another, you are doing to all life and ultimately also yourself. On top of that comes what the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma is bound to return to you because of what you once sent into your world. Therefore, never think of anyone as your enemy. Nobody truly is. Never forget that everybody is your sibling in the great family of humankind and that in lifetimes of long ago, you played the part they may be playing now.

‘So as often as possible send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts whenever you think of your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. Better than anything else ever could, such thoughts will assist their God or Christ nature to emerge. At the same time they will also easy their lot when their turn for redeeming the karmic debts they are busily shovelling into their spiritual bankbook, unaware of what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, God’s laws are bound to return to them.’

Recommended Reading:
• ‘Colonising New Planets’

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6 Nov, 2021
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