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For Sunday 7th November 2021
For Sunday 7th November 2021

For Sunday 7th November 2021


‘The main laws of life throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also on the earthly plane, are love and evolution, i.e. evolution that’s based on love. Irrespective of how things may ever appear to be in your world, there is no standing still or moving backward on God’s great evolutionary spiral, individually as well as collectively. Everything that happens on your planet does so for the wise higher purpose of teaching some kind of a lesson, not infrequently several at the same time.

‘Nobody in your world ever was a miserable worm and sinner, the way the old religions’ preachers used to assault their listeners from their pulpits, unaware that whilst they were building an ever increasing guilt complex into their listeners’ psyche, at the same time they were piling karmic debts into their spiritual ledger. A circle closes each time when those, who in previous lifetimes played the role of preacher, in this one are on the receiving end of what the law of cause and effect or Karma is returning to them in this one because of the anguish their mental assaults of the past inflicted upon their listeners.

‘And this is what, in the fullness of time, is sure to happen to your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers, not as a punishment. God’s justice is perfect and does not Whenever something of this nature occurs in your life, remind yourself that everybody without exception is a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother. Nobody is really guilty of anything because all are merely learners and students in the earthly school of life. Unpleasant things have to come about because everybody must get to know both sides of the coin of every concept. Every one of you is in truth a young God in the making.

‘In the course of many lifetimes the same lower earthly self appears time and again to once more take part in the play-acting of the grand stage of earthly life. On every occasion you come in a different guise and play another role. It takes a long time until you realise that in truth you are always appearing as your own descendant because you have walked the road of earthly life many times before. It cannot be any other way. How else could you ever get to know both sides of everything?

‘Just live one day at a time. Rest safely in the knowledge that you and your world and everything within it has always been safely handled by the loving hands of the Highest Forces of life, i.e. God and the Angels. At all times they are holding the reigns of everything in the whole of Creation, therefore also the earthly plane, securely in their hands and this will forever continue. Everything in your world is of a temporary nature and that most certainly applies to the present situation. Bear in mind that everything that ever took place on the earthly plane has been an essential part of the lessons which every one of you, in their role as a young God in the making, needs.

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7 Nov, 2021
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