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Frane Selak: Lucky or Not?
Frane Selak: Lucky or Not?

Frane Selak: Lucky or Not?

Kat_DickensKat Dickens
2 Reviews

Frane Selak (born on June 14, 1929) is a Croatian man, who is known for his luck but also is often addressed as the unluckiest man in the world.

Frane's first near-death experiences started in January 1962, when he was riding a train through a dark and cold canyon and the train flipped and crashed into a river. Someone pulled Frane to safety, while 17 other people drowned. Frane suffered from a broken arm and hypothermia. The next year, during his first, and only plane ride, he was blown out of a malfunctioning plane door, and landed on a haystack, and he survived. The plane then crashed killing 19 people. Three years later, in 1966, a bus he was riding skidded off the road and into a river, killing four people. But Frane swam to shore, escaping with only a few scrapes and bruises.

In 1970, his car caught on fire, but he managed to escape before the fuel tank blew up. Three years later, another driving incident happened to him, it happened when the engine of his car was doused with hot oil from a malfunctioning fuel pump, causing flames to shoot through the air vents. Frane's hair was completely singed in this incident. But otherwise, he was unharmed. In 1995, he was hit by a bus in Zagreb but escaped with only minor injuries. And in 1996 he escaped from a head-on collision with a United Nations truck on a mountain curve by swerving into a guardrail, which gave way under the weight of his car, he was thrown out of his car, when the door flew open. (he was not wearing his seat belt.) And managed to hold on to a tree, and watch his car fall 300 feet down a gorge.

In 2003, 2 days after Frane's 73rd birthday, he won $1,110,000 in the lottery. At this time he married his fifth wife. He used his winnings to buy two houses and a boat, but in 2010 he decided to give most of the remaining money away to relatives and friends after deciding to live a frugal lifestyle.

Author Notes: Please rate and tell me if you think he is lucky or not. Hope you like it.

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About The Author
Kat Dickens
About This Story
10 Sep, 2020
Read Time
1 min
5.0 (2 reviews)

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