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Kat Dickens

Kat_Dickens is from US United States • 19 y/o • Female

The most important thing in life is to stop saying 'I wish' and start saying 'I will'. ~Charles Dickens


I have wanted to be a writer for a long long time (sense I was about 7) and it all started when I found out I was related to Charles Dickens, who as we should all know was (and still is) one of the greatest writers in history! (And my personal hero) And maybe one day I will be able to write a book as good as one of his. (my personal favorite Dickens Book is Oliver Twist, which is a must read!)

Birth Year
Star Sign
7 May, 2020
Last Visit
2 years ago
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4.6 from 45 reviews
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4.6 from 27 reviews

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