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Giving Up on Not Giving Up Chapter Seven
Giving Up on Not Giving Up Chapter Seven

Giving Up on Not Giving Up Chapter Seven


Storm’s POV

“Sorry,” Lou mumbles, “thought it was the bathroom,” he turns on his heels and walks away.

Josh unbuttons his shirt after locking the door. “Where were we?” he asks kissing my jawline

Harper’s POV

Niko’s quiet for the walk to school, Zack keeps trying to talk to her, but she keeps waving him off.

Same with Riley.

Before we enter the main entrance for the school, she stops me.

“Riley and Zack, you go I’ll catch up,” she manages to mumble.

She turns her attention to me, staring into my brown and blue eyes.

She smiles fondly at me, “Stop worrying about me,” she says calmly, “you’re pretty,” she adds.

“Thanks,” I mumble.

“The boys here are perverted,” she responds, “if you want, I could make you look likeeee,” she strains and pulls up a picture of a girl with the first four buttons of her shirt undone.

“Sure,” I shrug as she smiles.

She fluffs up my wavy hair, unbuttons my first four buttons on my shirt and applies a thin layer of lip-gloss to my lips.

Her eyes widen, and she breaks into a smile. “Nice eyes,” she grins and drags me into the school, “Now I could tell my friends I have a pretty sibling,” she smirks.

I suppress a laugh. Who knows? Maybe I’ll like it here in this family.

Lou’s POV

I pace around Storm’s living room running my hands through my hair. She had that, look on her face.

The look of hurt, knowing and regret.

Noah banks the corner, “Josh wants me to head of security team if he wins the election,” I wince.

“Good job man!” I say with false happiness, “is Josh and Tokyo okay with you hanging around Stormie so much?” I ask curiously

“What happened was like twenty years ago,” he points out, “plus I’m into someone else,” he adds.

Before I could ask who, Josh comes staggering out the room with a huge grin on his face.

I hang my head back down.

“Did you find the bathroom?” Josh asks me

“Oh no I peed in the bush across the street instead,” I lie Noah glances around the room between Josh and I. Tokyo emerges from his study room.

He walks his way to Josh and hugs him, “Catering is hard,” he frowns.

I clear my throat, “I’m gonna go for a walk,” I mumble and quickly run out of the house.

Niko’s POV

I have my head down for most of the day, until Zack and Riley get me in the Janitors closet.

Riley kisses me as Zack locks the door.

“Please don’t be mad at us,” he says before making his way to my neck.

“I’m not mad,” I mumble, “I’m not mad,” I mumble, “do you think seducing me will make me feel better though?" I ask as a small smile forms on my face.

"Shut up and kiss us," he whispers.

So I do.

Harper's POV

I've been scratching my hair all day, knowing I should've washed it. I try to ignore the stares I get from the other classmates. Only one person has caught my eye. And I don't think anyone knows who he is. Hopefully.

I make my way over to Niko's table and plop next to Riley who seems left out during Niko's and Zack's make-out session. Again.

I clear my throat Niko opens her eyes and looks at me fondly.

"Hi, Harp," she looks at her phone and groans, "Dad said that the election is going to be shorter and quicker this year," she finishes.

"Tokyo or Josh?" Riley asks


"When did you start calling him dad?"

"when he started calling me his daughter," she shoots him a look, "do you not want me calling him dad with everything going on?" she asks point between Riley, Zack, and her.

My brows furrow. But Riley shakes his head.

"It'd be better actually," he answer but she gives a skeptical look, "I promise it's fine," he opens his arms out and she squeezes between Riley and I. Just to hug him.

He whispers something in her ear and her face lights up.

She turns around to hug me, "Why do you keep looking at the guy over there?" she asks with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"No reason," I say swatting Zack's hand away from my fries, "he just seems interesting.

Riley rests his chin on her shoulder, "interesting you say?" he asks, "his name is Mason," he says.

My face turns redder than my hair, Riley stands up, "MASON GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE MY SISTER WANTS TO MEET YOU," he shouts

Mason looks at Niko and see that she is busy screaming over at the lunch lady. Then his eyes land on me.

He starts walking over to the table with a smirk on his face. He sits down next to me and looks me in my eyes.

“I’m Mason,” he smiles.

“Harper,” I mumble, “sorry about Riley and Niko,” I turn my attention back to my fries.

He takes my hand as Niko walks back to the table with her extra cheese.

“Happy?” Zack asks as Niko nods.

Riley walks over to her and plays with her curls.

I let my hair down as Mason pushes it behind my ear. He kisses my cheek.

Multiple times.

“Wanna get out of here?” I ask whispering into his ear.

He nods, as I drag him out of the cafeteria and into the Janitor’s closet.

I take a pack of cigarettes out of my bag and light one. “Those’ll kill you,”

“Gotta die from something,” I say exhaling the smoke.

He steps closer to me, “If this is gonna work,” he starts taking my pack and my lit cigarette and stomps them, “you have to stop doing that or else I’ll be very sad,” he whispers closely to my lips.

“Alright,” I wrap my legs around his waist as he pushes me up against the wall, “don’t hurt me,” I say with a high-pitched voice.

“I won’t,” he kisses me gently as I kiss back.

He starts to unbutton the fifth button; I gently push him back.

“Maybe after a few dates?” I ask him

“I understand,” he drops me and wraps his arms around my waist to kiss me again.

Storm’s POV

I stare at the e-mails I’ve received showing that Josh is cheating.

I see the door opening and quickly shut my laptop off.

“Hey Tokyo,” I sigh with relief.

“Hi baby,” he kisses me, “can I use your laptop? Mine is slow with your office Wi-Fi?” he asks with a frown.

I hesitate, “Sure,” I tell him after coming to the realization that I have nothing to hide.

I hold my breath as he lifts the screen up, his face tenses up.

Then drops.

“Baby,” Tokyo whispers as I take my migraine pill, “what the hell is this?” he hisses at me.

He slams the laptop screen down hard and throws it in the garbage.

“I’m sorry,” he mutters after realizing what he’s done, “I’ll buy you a new one,” he gestures for me to come to him.

He pulls me onto his lap, and I let out a wail.

“Do you wanna stay with him?” he asks me in a low whisper.

I nod, “Are we going to tell him about this?” I ask


“What if he leaves us?”

“We’ve been fine without him before,” Tokyo kisses my head, “let’s go home,” he packs up my office for me and carries me to the BMW.

Author Notes: Enjoy!

#BlackLivesMatter #LGBTQ+

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About This Story
1 Feb, 2021
Read Time
6 mins
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